‘Fun’ is a word we often hear in secular groups and not as much within Christian circles. Growing up, I often felt it was frowned upon. I imagined God as this tough guy, in heaven, who wanted me to be a quiet and gentle child.
Thank God he isn’t. He is an incredible and loving father who wants us to make the most of all he has put inside of us.
But here’s one thing; as Christian singles, we shouldn’t be looking to have fun like the world does. No way! For us, fun is wholesome and good. We pursue the right kind of fun which makes us happier and better people.
And this starts with learning to take responsibility for our lives, understanding that God has empowered us as his daughters and of course, not losing sight of our dreams and plans.
Are you ready to be intentional about our life and what you do?
Remember that walking in joy is not the absence of pain. We walk in joy, in spite of our pain.
Here’s a list of 20 fun and meaningful activities to do as a single Christian Woman, this list covers our spiritual, physical, creative and interpersonal wellbeing. Basically, it’s been specially curated to allow you enjoy your life while making it better. Get a FREE copy of the Checklist below
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20 Fun Activities for Single Christian Woman
For all my single ladies (and married ladies who want to join us), here are 20 awesome things you can do now. These activities will not only make you happier but will definitely change your life for the better.
Find time for a Personal Retreat
There are two main reasons why you should have a retreat; it is time to find God and to find yourself.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13
God is always there waiting for us, his arms wide to embrace us but many times we are distracted, looking the other way and missing what he is trying to tell us. Dear sister, we have to go back to God and remain in his embrace. Do you want to know why?
“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
Psalm 37:4
You could take a day or a few days and go to a secluded spot (hotel, resort or some other place with little or no distractions). Spend time getting to know God again and to know yourself.
Pamper yourself
Part of finding yourself is also making time for you. You have to find time to rest, choose a day to sleep in without any disruptions, get a pedicure, spa day or buy some nice items that you love. It gives you a chance to learn, love and accept yourself.
But there’s a proviso to this (the small print), in pampering yourself, don’t forget to also focus on what matters and don’t do things that will affect you negatively (health, finances etc).
“All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful.” 1 Corinthians 10:23
Attend a free event close to your area
Here’s something most of us have in common, we love free events. You know you do.
So, how about you look out for free or almost free events around your area. It could be a trip to the museum, art galleries, seminars, church events and even food festivals. Check your local directory or ask your friends and colleagues.
There’s bound to be something happening. It’s always a lovely opportunity to learn new things and meet new people.
Throw a small themed party at your place and invite your friends
What is life without friends? Not great! Plan a themed party and invite your friends over. It could be a day event, night or even a sleepover.
It’s bound to be so much fun with lots of food, drinks and games. Definitely, something to do.
Volunteer with a charity you love
It is better to give than to receive. Did you know that giving refreshes the soul? As human beings, most of us want to be part of something greater than us, something that makes a difference. This hunger is not always for positive things but we can channel it for good.
There are so many charities, NGO’s and social initiatives out there, doing good and making a difference(check out this list of top-rated charities). Consider volunteering your time and resources. This could be on a temporary or permanent basis. You choose.
Find something that resonates with you, it could be around domestic violence, sexual abuse, child trafficking, refugees, addictions, animals or even the environment.
Get involved in your community
You may be wondering how this is different from 5. Beyond volunteering with a charity, there are things you could also do within your community. You could promote social activities, join the associations and help them implement changes that will improve your community and livelihoods.
Imagine how much fun it could be coming up with activities and helpful changes in your neighbourhood. This will shift your focus to something bigger than yourself and you will definitely be better for it.
This is something I’ve been meaning to do and I hope you do too.
Start a sport you’ve always wanted to do
Ah! Remember all those new year’s resolutions filled with our plans to take up tennis, volleyball and a bit of basketball? What ever happened?
I know most of us are guilty of this one. We will have to go to the very back of your closets for our cobweb-ridden racket and go play ball.
Have you been procrastinating? It’s probably been a few months (or years) and you still haven’t done it.
Dear Sis, it’s time to take some action. Once you’re done reading this post, I need you to find the nearest place to play and go ahead and set a date.
You can do this!
Read voraciously
A really good book gives us an enthralling view into the lives of the characters and the thoughts of the author.
It is a wonderful window into the human soul and all the things that make us tick. Find a few fiction and non-fiction books to read. You could check the all-time bestseller list, Christian and inspirational book lists.
If you are not a big fan of books, try the audio book versions or listening to a Podcast/TedTalks. You will not only increase your knowledge but will also be entertained. A definite win-win.
Learn a new skill
This is not just another post telling you to learn web design or French(though you should :)). No, I want you to learn a new skill but not just any skill or something you read somewhere.
Think back to when you were a child, what was the one thing you wished you could do (not magic tricks, I hope)?
What were those things you wished you knew how to do? I remember being intrigued by gymnasts and people who could do somersaults. It’s something I’ve always wanted to learn. I guess this is the time to look into it.
What about you? It may be sewing beautiful dresses you can wear, painting, sculpting, learning a new language, swimming, skin care, or coding.
Here’s all the permission you need to go ahead and learn. I’m sure it would be an amazing experience. Even if it isn’t, you will always know you took that step and your future self will thank you for it.
Start a gratitude journal
Gratitude is the bedrock of a fulfilled life. It is the cushion that shields us from greed, selfishness and pride.
When we are grateful and gracious, it’s harder to think of ourselves as anything other than a redeemed child of God who has been saved by God’s grace and mercy.
When we practice a life of gratitude, we find it easier to give honor where it’s due and not to think of ourselves as better than others.
The great thing is that we don’t suffer the burdens of ingratitude, perfection or the superhero complex. We rather appreciate the little and big things and find joy in mundane experiences.
If you want to know how to do this, you can start by keeping a gratitude journal. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a journal. Some of my friends and I keep gratitude jars, which we fill on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. You choose what works best for you. You could also use a phone app for this.
All that really matters, is that you have some way of writing the things you’re grateful for.
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. “ 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Enrol in an exercise or dance class
Do you love to dance? I know I do and you probably do too. So, why don’t we find time to dance?
There is nothing that says single women shouldn’t dance, it doesn’t matter if you’re in your 30’s, 40’s or 50’s. Dancing is a beautiful activity to pursue.
Research has shown that music stimulates physical activity and dance activates our brain’s sensory and motor circuits. That’s some medical jargon but lovely all the same. Not to forget the added benefit of keeping fit. Definitely, something we should all do.
Try a new restaurant
I’m not sure the world would have been what it is today without delicious meals. What would we do if we only had water and plain bread? I know the children of Israel lived on manna and water for a few decades but this is different.
Do you love and appreciate good food? Then dress up and go try out a new restaurant. Bonus points if you go to one far from your place. It’s an opportunity to experience new cuisines in a different environment.
Go to the beach or the movies alone
Do you have a fear of doing things alone? Always looking for a friend, sibling or colleague to follow you somewhere? Well, it’s time you did certain things alone.
Go to the beach or movies alone. Play in the sand, kick some water around and do all the silly things your inner child will appreciate.
The best part of this is that you can enjoy the inside jokes and laugh with reckless abandon. People may think you’re mad but that’s a small price to pay for a bellyful of laughter and a heart overflowing with joy.
Grow your social network
Look for opportunities to grow your social circles. This may mean attending social functions, getting to meet new people and keeping in touch.
For this to work, you need to follow up. If you’re an introvert, you can start with social media and build from there.
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Write an inspirational song or poem
Is there a soulful poet hidden inside of you? Maybe you had dreams of becoming the next Celine Dion or Maya Angelou.
It’s never too late to make the most of your dreams. This is a great opportunity to allow your creativity flourish. Who knows what you will uncover.
Just write. Write something you’ve always wanted to write. It doesn’t matter how corny or unrefined it may sound. Write it and record it (if a song) or publish (if a poem).
Cook Something Special
Are you addicted to the Food Network? Here’s a chance to cook some of the dishes you’ve always loved.
Who doesn’t love a cake? Even when we don’t eat it because of those evil calories, we can’t deny that there’s something soothing about a beautifully baked cake.
So, try it! Bake and decorate a cake, make an incredible desert or try out a foreign dish.
You get to choose the type of food you want to make, the size and all the lovely toppings you will add. If you don’t have anyone to cook for, you can always cook for me. 🙂
But seriously, baking/cooking is a useful skill to have and it could be the beginning of a whole new side hustle or hobby.
Do something scary
I’m afraid of heights. When I was in high school, I used to avoid going close to the railing by my class (it was on the second floor).
It took a while to get over this but I usually don’t like looking down when I’m in a tall building. An obvious activity for me would be to skydive. I pray to do this soon.
What about you? What is the one thing that makes you so scared, you literally pee in your pants? It could be public speaking, flying and swimming.
Do you think you can do it?
After all, we do not have a “…spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
So we have the power to overcome whatever it is that has us shivering and scared. I’m sure it can’t be that bad.
It’s time for us to face our fears.
Visualise Your Future
Do you ever allow your mind wander? Ever think of what God created you do to? Well, one thing you can do is visualise your future. Imagine what your life would be like in one, two or even five years and the steps you need to take to create that sort of future.
Here are a few tips for meaningful visualisation:
- Be realistic but not pessimistic
- You need to believe in God and in yourself. ‘…all things are possible to him who believes.’
- Visualise from a place of rest not anxiety. Do your body and soul a favour, and rest. Never underestimate the need to rest your mind.
“Be anxious for nothing…and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God through Christ Jesus”
Philippians 4:6-7
Memorize 10 of favourite Bible verses and use it
Did I tell you that the Bible is the most comprehensive book that was ever written? It has every single thing you can think of – love, hate, murder, envy, sorcery, riches, poverty, miracles and resurrection. It is no wonder we are told that it holds the blueprint for navigating the issues of life.
So, you probably have some verses and books that you love and you go to at certain times in your life.
Let’s take it a step further. Memorize 10 of these verses (verbatim, including the BCV – book, chapter verse) and use it in some way(whether in speech or writing) over the next 10 days.
Do some intentional acts of kindness
I love this one and for good reason. It is one of the fruits of the spirit and something we are constantly told to become. Can I just put it out there that being kind is different from being nice? Read more here.
Niceness is the world’s version of good while kindness is God’s way. A nice person will do something you want but a kind person will do something you need(even if you don’t want it). I just wanted to reiterate this as I believe it is so important.
If you are giving your children, friends, siblings and those that matter to you everything they ask for, notwithstanding the effect or impact of these things, you are merely being nice. A child whose parents buy them things they ask for will likely grow to be spoilt and unappreciative from their parents’ niceness.
Okay. kindness is about sharing the love and making life better for those around us. When we do this, we also feel better and are likely to get that kindness in return – fate.
Let us be intentional about being kind. We can start today and for the next 10 days, do 10 intentional acts of kindness. Hopefully, by the end of the 10th day, we will become accustomed to some of these things.
Bonus Activity
Okay, I know that was probably more work than you expected. It wouldn’t hurt to try a few of these and I hope you let me know how it goes. Remember to get the checklist below.
Seeing as this has been such an exciting post to write, I thought it will be great to add a bonus activity you can do. It’s one of my favourite things to do – travel.
Most women I know love travelling. We spend so much time thinking about it but barely do it. The major reasons I hear are because we don’t have enough money or don’t want to go alone. For more helpful tips on how you can travel as single woman, please read this post.
Are you ready to do fun and meaningful activities?
This was probably a long list but rather than focus on its length, how about we start considering the things we can start off with, right now.
What are those things you’ve always wanted to do? Even if it’s not on the list, you can still do it.
The important thing is that you enjoy this season of your life. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and I can tell you that our creator will be glad to see you making the most of your life rather than sitting ‘pretty’ waiting for the “one”.
He will definitely come if that’s God’s plan for you. But, wouldn’t it be better that he comes while you are enjoying the blessing that is this life and he can join you to make the most of all God has given you? I do think it will
All right Sister, go out there and have some fun always remembering who you are and whose you are.
This is GREAT content! Chioma, I do not have a big following. I am new to blogging, but I have a tag called, “for my teens” and this would be good brain food for all single women YES. I would be honored to link from my blog to this. What do you think?? I will give some thought to HOW, if you agree. God bless you in seeking to put positive into the world.
Hello Tammy, thank you so much for your kind words and for your offer. I would love to have you feature this post on your blog. Please go ahead. I hope more single women will read it and be encouraged to live an amazing life, with or without the man.
Rest is one great idea – and then spending time with God also 🙂
I absolutely loved being single! I did a lot of ministry, lived 7 different places before I got married, and had a lot time to just buy flowers for myself, roam botiques, and find myself on my own. I never understood why so many people who were my age at the time husband hunting.
Hi, this is a nice article. You are probably right, we don’t have to be a victim of cirsumstances.
Concerning fears, I hope that I’ll travel on my own one day…
Thanks for your article, God bless you
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!! Such wonderful ideas for really ANY woman of faith. <3 I'll be sharing this on my page.
Yay! Thank you so much, Christine. I agree. They are awesome ideas for every Christian woman.
What a sweet and appropriate blog post for us single Jesus loving girls! ❤️❤️❤️
I absolutely love this! Thank you so much for sharing! <3
Great content! You are so right that we can so easily waste he time God has given us wondering what’s next. I pray I will embrace my single season and be more grateful for it.
Wow, Though am not a woman. I recommend this article to all single Christian women because it is so resourceful. You really did a great job creating this article.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate your kind words
You are welcome. I sent you an Email
Okay. Thanks, Tocrukwu.
Really enjoyed this article. I am motivated to make every day an exciting one! I feel like many single Christian women get so frustrated waiting for marriage thinking that is when life will start. In reality, we already live an amazing life, we just need to be purposeful every single day! Thankyou for sharing!
I highly appreciate the times we are living in and the demands it puts on a single Christian woman. This resource is so vast and it will go along way to help the Christian woman get along without getting entangled in the world system. May the Lord bless the author. Peace
Thanks a lot, Mutukiriza. Glad you found it helpful, and hope it encourages more women.
Chi I was actually looking for fun activities sister could participate in as a community manager but hey you just solved my search up and down. Thanks sis.
Hello Aminwa, I’m so glad that you found this post helpful. I would love to hear about which activities you try out. Here’s to the growth of your community. May God’s way rein supreme,