What is the Single woman’s prayer?
Have you ever wondered what your prayer life should be like as a Single woman?
I’m sure you agree that cultivating a healthy prayer life is an important aspect of living as Christian women in today’s world.
More so, for those times when we long to pray but find it hard to do so. (Here are three tips to help us pray).
But should our marital status have anything to do with our prayer life?
This may be a yes or no answer depending on your side of the divide.
There is a general assumption that, as single ladies, we have more time and I guess part of this should be devoted to prayer. Also, the fact that we are unmarried and childless may also presuppose the need to spend more time in supplication for a spouse and kids
Do you agree?
If so, what would you say your main prayer point is? The one area you devote the majority of your prayer time to? Please answer honestly.
Would you say you spend more time praying for marriage, wealth, health or to live according to God’s will?
Remember, there’s no judgment here, just truth.
I will be the first to tell you that I have prayed earnestly for each of those things at one point in time.
Which could also mean that our prayer points are seasonal, right? We are probably more likely to pray about our relationships during the holidays when we are surrounded by couples than at other times.
What should be the Single Woman’s prayer?
What if I tell you that our main prayer point should always be the same?
Please read the following passages with me:
Passage 1: Matthew 6:9-10(NIV)
“This, then, is how you should pray:
‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.”
Passage 2: Matthew 26: 39(NIV)
“Going a little further, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
Jesus also repeated a similar prayer in verse 42.
Passage 3: John 17: 8-10(NIV)
“…they knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. All I have is yours…”
I believe our Lord Jesus’ prayers were centred around doing the will of God and the assignment placed before him. It was from prayer he drew strength and courage to walk in God’s will even though he knew it would lead to death, death on a cross.
What is our underlying objective as Single Women who pray?
I believe the Single Woman’s prayer (main prayer point) should be to live the life God has planned for us, whether that involves marriage or not.
For those of us who desire marriage, this will not always be easy especially if God’s plan for our life does not include getting married(early or at all) or having kids.
But yet! He is God and knows us better than we could ever know ourselves.
Maybe he knows that getting married will take us away from him or he’s making us wait to make our testimony sweeter.
Here is another question for you: Have you ever wondered if you will forget God once you have the family and life you’ve always wanted?
I pray not.
I believe our constant prayer point should be to ‘live a life worthy of our Lord and saviour’.
It should be to make the most of all he has given us and to be grateful knowing that he will provide all that we need according to his riches in glory.
Do you know the wonderful thing about this? It applies to married women, too. I also believe it applies to every Christian on God’s green earth.
Facets of the Single Woman’s prayer
But not everyone agrees. There may be those who tell us our prayers should be centred around getting married and having children.
However, marriage, like many other gifts of God including wealth, health should always be secondary to his will.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33
Dear Sis, I pray we remember that it should always be God first, life second.
Let us pray for the courage and strength to be ever obedient to his call, to be willing to live for him at every point in our lives.
This is my main prayer and I pray that I shall never grow weary or proud in praying for God’s will and to live a life worthy of him.
Even as a single woman, whether you’re in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s or 50’s, just remember that you can
find joy and fulfilment where you are and that ‘all things work together for good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose’. See Romans 8:28
The Single Woman’s Prayer
Lord God, thank you for loving me so deeply and truly. Thank you for loving me even when I was so far, caught up in my selfish thoughts and desires.
King of glory, please help me seek your face in all I do. May I cultivate an intimate and meaningful relationship with you and live a life that is poured-out for your glory.
Thank you for reminding me that my singleness does not change your love or plans for me.
I pray this day to remain committed to you and as your dear son, my savior Jesus Christ, did, to continually pray “not my will but thine be done”.
Dear Sis, you are dearly loved. Never forget that.
I’ve pinned this – I hope it reaches lots of single Christians!
Thank you so much, Jennie. I hope it does
Great stuff!! And this message is so true: “I believe the Single Woman’s prayer (main prayer point) should be to live the life God has planned for us, whether that involves marriage or not.”
Above all we are called to love and pursue God!
Absolutely, Crystal. We are truly ‘called to love and pursue him’. Thanks for your kind words.
This sounds great!
Thanks a lot, Sandra.
Thanks so much for sharing. This has truly been a blessing for me. XOXO
I’m so glad to hear this, Debra. Thank you for reading.
This is truly a powerful message thanks??????
Thank you so much, June. So glad you found it helpful. ????