It could have been like any other day, but it wasn’t. This one was different. For one thing, it happened on the 29th of February 2020(a leap year). Secondly, we were at a friend’s retreat event on the outskirts of Lagos. Looking back, I could see that it was a special moment. During one of the prayer sessions that day,… Read More
Does your Christianity constrain you?
Have you ever felt like being a Christian is constraining? That being a Christian is a shackle, you feel caged and unable to live free. There was a time I believed this. A time when it felt like this Christianity thing wasn’t the way to go, like the world may have a better idea. This was particularly so when I… Read More
The power of perspective
How to build the right perspective “No situation is untenable for the one who sees possibility first.” Have you ever heard the saying that ‘your perspective determines the trajectory of your life?’ Maybe not in those words, but you have probably heard something similar. Perspective is defined as the “capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.” Merriam… Read More
Five ways to enjoy this Christmas Season as a Single Woman
How to celebrate Christmas as singles Merry Christmas! How do you usually feel around Christmas? Are you looking forward to it or dreading potentially uncomfortable situations that often occur at Christmas? The holiday season can be a difficult time for us singles. Studies show that such seasons heighten feelings of loneliness. Similarly, the expectations and pressures on some mean this… Read More
What are you hiding from God?
I was going to ponder about time but there really is nothing about time. It is the one ‘constant’ thing – it cannot be stopped, shorted or lengthened- it continues nonplussed, but what changes is our perception of it. So, today, I would like us to talk about something that has been happening since the beginning of time, even though we seldom acknowledge this. The… Read More
Four reasons we fail to live according to God’s plan
First things first: do you believe you are living the life God planned for you? If you’re anything like me then you’re quick to quote Jeremiah 29:11, a beloved scripture that reminds us that God has a future and a plan for his children. But do we actively seek to know and live this plan? Not always… I can’t count… Read More
Three ways to simplify your life
What is holding you back from living your best life? Go ahead, I’m waiting… Just the other day, during one of my introspective moments, I realized that there are three things that often hold us back: 1. Fear 2. Regret 3. Expectations These things are like talons that pierce our desires and happiness, and keep us locked to the past and… Read More
Five Principles of Working with God
How to serve God as a Christian In a previous post, I shared about the realities of working with God. The fact that our Heavenly Father has made us co-laborers with him. Here’s how the Bible puts it: For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”… Read More
Why the world will forget you, and why that’s okay
Five lessons from the Book of Daniel Growing up, some of my favorite Bible stories were from the Book of Daniel – Daniel in the lion’s den; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace; and of course, the many dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar. These were stories filled with intrigue. These guys faced impossible situations where only God could have… Read More
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