Do you ever feel like you’re constantly caught between the grey lines in your Christian faith? These may have been times when you were not really sure of what was right? I know I have experienced these moments as a Christian living in today’s world. Religion tells us one thing but our hearts (and perceived […]
The Marriage that needs to happen
Do you believe every woman should be or must be married? Have you ever considered that there may be different types of marriages? or perhaps, a more important marriage? I ask these questions because I believe your answers are central to this discussion. I also believe it’s time we delved into some hard but necessary […]
Why we need to take responsibility for our actions
Can you imagine a world where everything goes according to plan? Where things generally work out without any issues or retributions? That would be pretty nice, right? But the world doesn’t work that way and probably for good reason. Many times, things just don’t work out in spite of our best-laid plans. There are also […]
How to say ‘No’ and mean it!! + Free Checklist
Hi ladies, I thought it would be great to talk about learning to say no as part of our Empowerment Series. I know, first-hand, how hard it can be to say ‘No’. Sometimes, it feels like there are some people and things we just can’t say no to. It could be your boss, spouse, kids, […]
Three dating tips for the Christian Girl who has been hurt
You thought he was the one, he seemed to tick all the boxes. It was like a dream come true until you woke up to a far from perfect reality. You suddenly realised he was never what he seemed. That he took advantage of your love and goodness. That you were naïve and wanted a […]
Three Things every Christian Woman should know about Money
Hi Friends, This is a post I’ve always wanted to write but wasn’t sure how exactly to go about it. In my other life, I briefly blogged about personal finance and worked as a financial lawyer. Knowing this, you may agree that money is a topic I understand. But it goes beyond this, as a […]
Four Defining Qualities of an Empowered Woman
Hello you, welcome to the second post in the Empowerment Series. In the first post, we talked about the importance of being an empowered woman. We also briefly considered our genealogy as Christian women; from the fall of mankind to Jesus’ interactions with women. It showed that the Lord wants us to live whole and […]
What it means to be an Empowered Christian Woman
As young women, we are often bombarded with ideals of who we should be – how to act, look, and speak. And many times, we toe the line set before us because we feel we do not have a choice. We feel we must accept and live the life dealt to us. Maybe you were […]
When we hurt those we love
Love is a beautiful thing but has never really stopped us from doing the wrong things. We still hurt those we love whether consciously or unconsciously. Do we know what happens when we hurt those we love? The pain and the guilt feed into our fears. At those times, we feel we have failed so bad […]
5 Ways to be happy as a Single Woman
Have you ever wondered how to be happy as a single woman? Perhaps, you have considered ways you can enjoy your singleness, make sure you are not wasting this precious time you have? You may have been waiting to get married and as the years have gone by so have your joy and peace. Maybe […]