People often tell me they want to work for God but don’t want to be a pastor or an evangelist. This is totally understandable, funny, and misdirected. I know this because I was one of those people. I used to think working for God was about serving in the church. I thought all I ‘owed’ God, as a Christian, was… Read More
How to use my gifts for God’s glory
Have you ever considered what it means to give God your all: your desires, your finances, gift, skills, resources and everything you have? Do you often ask yourself what would be the best way to manage every aspect of your life? Perhaps you have asked yourself these questions or heard others ask. One thing is certain though, God created each of us for a purpose and he would… Read More
25 Productive Activities for Single Women
I think one of the buzzwords for our generation is self-development, and for good reason. Our ability to develop ourselves and improve our productivity directly affects the quality and texture of our lives. And it does not matter if we are single or married. However, I am focusing on us single gals because what matters is not that we are… Read More
10 Productive things to do when you’re tired
There is one undeniable fact about life – it is unpredictable, ever evolving and ever changing. This often means that we don’t always get to do the things we want to do. Including days when we fail to work on our To-Do List because of unexpected news or projects. If you were to look back over the last 5 years… Read More
Seven incredible lessons for an amazing 2019
I often tell people that 2018 was the year I was stretched to the bone. There were several points when I was overwhelmed and felt things were getting too difficult. Thank God I was able to weather these storms. I believe that all through the year, God taught me critical lessons about obedience and relying on him for provision. There… Read More
Three Steps to Finding and Living your Dreams
Hi Sis, Today, I want you to go back in time, way back to those silent prayers, those dreams and goals of the past. I want you to go back to the dreams you lost. Yes, those dreams that were swept away by the worries and realities of life. Go back to those images in your mind’s eye that… Read More
How to not give up on your New Year resolutions
We are now at a point where its no longer the new year nor are we at the midpoint of the year. There’s probably a name for this period but we will not be focusing on that. I want us to focus on your feelings right now. My first question to you is how do you feel when you are… Read More
How to set and live your life commandments
“if you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.|” This is true for almost any area of our lives; whether it’s our money decisions, career decisions, or even life decisions. If we don’t have a fair idea of how we want to handle a situation, whether hypothetical or real, we may end up doing anything to get by…. Read More
Pursuing your dreams as a single woman
You may be wondering why the particular focus on pursuing our dreams as single women and the answer is simple. As single women, we are likely to inhibit our dreams and goals (whether knowingly or unknowingly), in a quest for marriage and a family of our own. Do you agree with this? Your answer may be a yes, a no… Read More