I think one of the buzzwords for our generation is self-development, and for good reason.
Our ability to develop ourselves and improve our productivity directly affects the quality and texture of our lives.
And it does not matter if we are single or married.
However, I am focusing on us single gals because what matters is not that we are single but what we do while single.
The popular Latin phrase, ‘Carpe Diem‘ is a reminder to seize the day and make the most of the opportunities we have.
My desire is to see more single women thriving in their singleness, and when/if they do get married, that there will be no regrets about how they spent their single years.
How do I increase my productivity as a single woman?
Have ever wondered how to increase your time management and productivity skills?
You probably have, though the real question is whether you took any action.
Let’s be honest, we singles often spend too much time lost in dreamland or dissecting non-existent relationships.
It’s easy to while away our time and have a calendar of days where we don’t do anything significant.
When I think about productivity, one word that often comes to mind is ‘stewardship’.
Stewardship is defined as the conducting, supervising or managing of something especially the careful and responsible management of something entrusted in one’s care(Merriam Webster).
It’s important that we understand how to be good stewards of all have been given. This means knowing how to use our gifts and time for his glory. Read this post for more on how to make the most of your life.
I pray that you make the most of your present.
Being a good steward of all that we have means living our lives with purpose and intention. It means not holding off on life because you are waiting for marriage, children and all the other things we desire.
I say these from experience.
I know how easy it is to spend my time worrying about the things I don’t have and forgetting the things that I do.
Which was why I decided to create this list of 25 things you should be doing rather than worrying about your life or getting anxious about the issues of life. This list cuts across the different areas of stewardship and I pray that it helps you live a purposeful and intentional life.
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25 timely and productive activities for single women
Review your dreams and goals
We all have dreams.
But have you ever taken the time to examine your dreams?
I believe this is an important exercise for every Christian, particularly as single women.
We need to do the following:
- Check the source of the dream or goal: Is it a God-given dream or personal dream, or was it based on what you believe is expected of you – to get a degree, get a job, a house and to get married??
- Check our motive – Why is this dream so important? Is it just so you look good? Always check your heart and your motive.
- Confirm the resources needed – what resources do you need to achieve your dreams. Take time to consider the things you need – skills, training, funds, people, etc.
Prayer is a key aspect of our Christian walk.
The Bible proffers that we pray without ceasing. Not because God needs our prayers but because through prayer, we draw strength, wisdom, and direction for the walk ahead.
Through prayer, we are able to seek God’s will about a matter and lay our worries and issues at the throne of grace. Here are 7 scriptures to help you pray.
Do a personal Bible Study
The Bible is the most complete book on earth. I believe it is a book we can’t do without. I often look at it as my life manual. A compendium of principles and life stories to guide us and shine God’s light as we seek to make the most of our lives.
The Psalmist said this:
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
The word of God brings insight and illumination but I have also realized that the way we read determines what we get out of it.
One quick tip for you – don’t ascribe your Bible reading as a chore or something you have to do as this will often defeat the purpose.
Change your mindset about it and make it something you can look forward to. For devotional ideas, you can start off with these two.
Create an effective weekly/daily schedule
Plan your day.
Studies have shown that we are more likely to be more productive when we have a written plan, particularly when it’s done in advance.
As someone who is easily distracted, creating a time-based schedule has really helped me.
For most days, I write out all the things I hope to achieve and set a time for each task and how long it would take. This for me has been so good.
I no longer use a to-do list but a time-based schedule. And on days when other things come up or I miss some tasks, my schedule still provides a guide on the things I’m to do and when I should do them.
In the midst of our busy lives, we may forget to make time for things that matter, which is why we need to de-clutter as often as possible.
De-clutter here is not just the physical act of clearing our space or closet but also the emotional and spiritual decluttering we all need.
Ladies, you know we carry a lot of baggage:
past pains and hurts, wounds from broken friendships and relationships, malice, envy, lost dreams, fear and a whole lot of drama we do not need.
So while you’re straightening out your workspace or your bedroom, don’t forget to work on your heart and your mind. Sis, you need to clean it up.
Not sure how to go about it? Here is a scriptures to help:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30(NIV)
We need help to fully de-clutter our emotional and spiritual burdens. Don’t try to do these things in your own strength, ask God for help and to bring the right people.
Volunteer within your community
Brainstorm ideas and solutions to a problem or recurring issue in your neighborhood or community. Join groups or associations that have positive values and objectives.
Be a change agent, someone who is willing to get involved in the growth and improvement of your environment.
Check out conference or seminar opportunities in your areas of interest
I’m often amazed by the plethora of seminars and conferences that happen in my city. Just a few years ago, I didn’t even know most of these existed but through some research and interactions with friends, I have been exposed to a whole new world. Many of these have been free and low-cost events, which makes attendance possible.
Take some time to find out about events happening in your area.
Listen to a TedTalk or a Podcast
Podcasts and similar audio programs are a great way to get the information we need on the go. There are a million and one podcasts on various topics and categories, take time to find the ones that are of interest to you.
The beautiful thing about these platforms is that you can listen to them even when you’re involved in other activities. I love listening to Ted talks when I’m on a walk or doing a chore. Here are a few ideas for Ted Talk’s you should listen to.
- Start an interest-based group
“Why don’t you do something about it?”
This a response I make when I hear someone talk incessantly about an issue.
It’s funny how we spend so much time discussing issues but hardly do anything about them.
For some of us, we are passionate about certain issues or matters, we find that we spend a lot of time talking about them but hardly do more even when we find other people with similar interests and passions.
You can consider starting an interest-based group tied to hobbies, causes you’re passionate about or your other interests. What matters is that there is a purpose to the group.
Do something meaningful for others
The beauty of stewardship lies in service. You could offer to run errands for someone, babysit or help others with their chores.
This may seem nonsensical but will go a long way to show you care. Perhaps there are those having financial difficulties, struggling with a sick family member, or just needing someone they can talk to. We can be that person to them.
We are God’s ambassadors on earth and have been called to show love, a love that is sacrificial and never fails.
Be the person who is always willing to go the extra mile, not because you want to be liked or celebrated but because you know it’s the right thing, the thing that Jesus would do. Here are tips on how to be a better friend.
Write personalized thank-you notes to at least 5 people who have helped you
A written thank-you note is a great way to show your appreciation.
Take time to write a personalized note to people who have influenced your life positively or even people who you admire and respect. This could be your teachers, colleagues, bosses, government officials amongst others
Take up some training in your chosen career/profession
Have you ever heard the saying that learning s a lifelong pursuit? One thing we have to always remember is that learning cannot be restricted to the four walls of a school or limited to a college degree. In other to advance in our careers and move in tandem with developments and innovations in the world, we need to intentionally develop our minds.
“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”
Abigail Adams
How about you draw up a list of the things you want to learn and training opportunities? You will likely find some free and low-cost training and conferences.
Take up a sport you like or have been meaning to learn
An integral part of a healthy lifestyle is fitness. The great thing about getting fit is that you can do so in different ways.
Similarly, team-based sports also help us make new friends and connect with others. That is certainly a win-win.
Is there a sport you’ve always wanted to play, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and swimming? Whatever it is, make sure you create some time for it.
Read a book in your area of interest
A core aspect of personal development is reading. There are so many benefits to reading including:
- To deepen our knowledge on a particular subject matter
- Improve our vocabulary and word base
- Expose us to new or original concepts and ideas
- Widen our imagination and thought process
- Makes us better writers
The best part is that many of these benefits are not restricted to non-fiction books, but also apply to fiction books (novels). Though I would suggest we spend more time reading well-written books on topics and areas that will directly affect our growth and development.
Learn a new language
Over the years, I have met so many people who wanted to learn a new language but were unable to for varying reasons. The common reasons are:
- no time
- no money for a new language course or tutor
- believe they are hopeless at learning new languages
- Believe it’s an unimportant hobby
Learning a new language is a great way to develop our minds and engage the brain. It’s been said (though yet to be substantiated) that polyglots (people who speak many languages) have a higher IQ.
More than that, language is a means of connecting with others, it breaks barriers and gives us a view of how others communicate.
Learn a new skill
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty it eighty.”
Henry Ford
What skill have you always wanted to learn? You can start by writing out what I call a ‘skills acquisition list’.
For me, this includes learning to play musical instruments, sew, bake, swim, dance(ballet, foxtrot), coding. As you can see, the list is endless. Write out your list and start something.
There are a host of online course platforms you can use to learn many of these skills. Take time to do some research. A few of the ones I’ve checked out are Udemy, Coursera and Khan Academy.
Consider or start a side business
Do you have a business idea you have been thinking about for a while now? Some of us have been dreaming about starting a business or providing a service but have never gone past the dreaming stage.
Maybe it’s finally time to test your idea to see if there’s potential there. Remember that it’s okay and often better to start small. Facebook wasn’t built in a day neither were most of the big businesses of our generation. Don’t be in a rush.
Start with the resources you have on hand and see how things go. You could even work on a mini business plan to confirm if your idea is practical/realistic.
Zig Ziglar says
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
Work on your finances
Do you have an idea of how much money you spend each month?
Do you have a written record of where your money goes? Do you believe you have been a good steward of your money and resources?
Your answer to these questions may be ‘no’ and that’s okay.
It was certainly the case for me when I decided to get a handle on my finances. I realized that I would often spend indiscriminately because I wasn’t really answerable to anyone regarding my finances and this led to poor money management.
Perhaps, you’re not a fan of budgeting and are often overwhelmed when you have to deal with numbers but this is one of those things we need to learn. Start with the basic – you can create an excel sheet listing your income and expenditure.
Then you can take it up a notch to find out how much of that money you save, spend and give away. For more on money, read here.
Above all, remember that you are a steward of your finances and like every other area of your life, it must be subject to God’s will and plans for you.
Create a product or service you have always been interested in
There is a myth that only certain types of people can be creative. A myth I believed wholeheartedly until a few years ago. I had to go back to the very beginning to understand God’s design for us.
In Genesis 1:27-28, the Bible says: “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him, male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on earth.”
The preamble is to help you realize that you were created by the Master Creator to create. We each have the power to create something. Find out what it is you can create or build, you may be pleasantly surprised by what you learn.
I look at the Psalms as the most beautiful journal ever written.
I often call it King David’s love letter to God. The way he described his emotions, his thoughts and the import of his actions. The words he used to beseech God and to seek his face at every juncture of his life is truly beautiful and powerful.
And it confirms one thing: the power in laying out our thoughts. In recording the daily battles we face and the victories that come.
Perhaps you are already journaling or it’s something you’ve considered but I would definitely encourage you to try it out. You decide what you want to write.
I started journaling a few years ago and I can tell you that it has been one of the most instructive and life-changing habits. This is also my love letter to God and has helped me immeasurably.
i have also shared six benefits of journaling in this post. You could also try this out or just keep a personal journal of the things you’ve done or want to do.
Create memories
Just the other day, I stumbled on a box of pictures from my days at high school and at the university. These were pictures I hadn’t seen in almost a decade and it was a wonderful opportunity to reminisce. I also sent a few of the pictures to my friends and we reconnected over these long forgotten events.
The moral of this story is to make memories.
Find ways to keep those memories alive. This could be through photographs, videos, audios, cards, and whatnot! These are keepsakes that may come in handy in the future.
Remember to organize these keepsakes properly so they don’t become unnecessary clutter.
Reach out to and pray for your family and friends
How often do you check in on your loved ones? The Bible encourages us to bear with one another and encourage each other 1 Thessalonians 5. Make time to call your loved ones and where possible, visit them. Stand in the gap for them and pray in agreement with them.
Prepare and eat healthy wholesome meals
Have you noticed that when we often eat convenient but unhealthy meals when we wait till we are very hungry to decide on what to eat? In those moments, we usually what the quickest options, ergo fast food.
Which means we have to be more intentional about our eating habits. Eating right goes to the heart of stewarding our bodies and ensuring that we exercise self-control and not fall into gluttony or greed.
Here are a few tips to help you eat right
- Do some research on healthy food options and recipes
- Create a meal plan or get already prepared plans online (try bi-weekly or monthly plans)
- Write out your grocery list based on the meal plan
- Prepare the meals through a batching process.
I read the other day that humans die from sleep deprivation (when they stay more than 11 days without sleep). Who knew sleep was such an important part of our makeup especially where some of the advice we receive promotes little sleep as a lifestyle choice of some CEOs.
If you followed some of the advice online, you would believe you had to sleep less than 6 hours a night to be successful and only lazy people sleep for 7-8 hours a night. Thankfully, we have had several studies, which show that the optimal sleep cycle is about 8hours per night. Whatever it may be, please find time to sleep, your body and your mind needs it to reset.
The Bible encourages rest but it also states that we shouldn’t overdo it like the slothful man.
Travel is a wonderful way to spend your time. It gives you an incredible opportunity to explore new places and people. It’s no secret that I love to travel, even if it’s only to the next state.
Traveling is a great way to learn and connect with different people and places. It is definitely something you should include in your list of productive activities. For more on travel, do check out this post where I share 10 travel tips for single women.
How to make the most of your singleness
There you have it!
25 activities and productivity ideas you can start today. While some of them may not apply or work for you now, I’m confident that there are many things you can start working on today and who knows, these activities may be the catalyst you need to live a more productive and purposeful life
Wow! God has been talking to me about stewardship and you never really see posts about it. The Lord helped you to put together a very in depth, well written post. Thank you for this valuable resource! Blessings to you sweet sister …
Thank you so much for your kind words, Donna. The concept of stewardship changes my walk with the Lord. I’m so glad you found this helpful and I pray it blesses many others.
Thanks for these wonderful tips, God bless you.
Amen. Thanks Sis. Glad you’ve found them helpful.
This was a wonderful write up.Some of the activities you wrote about were already in my bucket list and I was inspired. It’s time to take action .Thanks.
Hello Obruche, thanks for your kind comment. I’m so glad to learn that you were inspired by this list. May God give you the strength, wisdom, and speed to pursue the right things at the right time. Amen.
This is a well written article with so many great ideas. Thanks so much for sharing.
Be Blessed.
Hi Brandi, thanks a lot for your kind words and I’m glad you found the post helpful. I would also love to know which productive ideas you are looking to implement.
Wishing you God’s innumerable blessings.???