As young women, we are often bombarded with ideals of who we should be – how to act, look, and speak.
And many times, we toe the line set before us because we feel we do not have a choice. We feel we must accept and live the life dealt to us.
Maybe you were told you wouldn’t amount to anything. That you don’t have what it takes to make the most of your life.
For years, I felt I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, or tall enough.
I used these yardsticks in the things I did, which meant that I usually flowed from a place of superiority to one of inferiority depending on how I looked and how well I did.
What this ultimately meant was that I lived by my feelings and emotions.
What about you?
Did you accept labels that said you couldn’t excel in your career because you’re a woman or that you had to be married (with children) to truly matter?
In those moments, it’s easy to forget who we are and whose we are.
Thereby living a life of “less” because of our fear of the unknown. A fear to explore God’s far-reaching blessings and plans for us.
For some of us, these fears have been ingrained in our hearts and minds and make us cower in the face of tension.
My dear Sis, do you believe you have been empowered?
Understanding our status as empowered Christian women
In the beginning, God created us(male and female) in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-27) and entrusted us with dominion over the earth. But man fell through the disobedience of Adam and Eve.
Even with this, God made a way to bring us back to him through the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He pursued us – notwithstanding if we had had five husbands (John 4) or had committed adultery (John 8).
When the world sought to curse women, he saved us.
“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
John 8:7
God reinstated us with his seal of paternity and we are, once again, daughters of the most-high.
Believing that we have been empowered
If we have this good news, why are we still living a life of less?
A life where we are defined by our past mistakes, not just ours but those of all the women before us.
Where we are unconsciously allowing the labels and stereotypes to stick, and forgetting what the Lord has said about us.
The Lord who says, “…before I formed you in the womb I knew you…” Jeremiah 1:5. My plans for you ‘…are for good to give you a future and a hope.‘ See Jeremiah 29:11.
A God who loves us with an everlasting love. See Romans 8:38-39.
Yet, we struggle.
Why do we struggle?
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Letting go of the Scars
I have learned that holding on to our pains and regrets leaves little room for truth and rebirth.
So, what have you been holding on to?
What label have you internalized and accepted?
We are all imperfect with our fair share of mistakes and ‘imperfections’.
More so, there is the danger of looking at our relationship with God through our distorted view of our worth.
Do you think God loves you less because you fornicated, cheated, lied, and/or lived the “worst life” possible?
I can confidently tell you that he doesn’t.
First of all, we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.
But hear me, I’m not saying that since we are prone to sin, we should continue as usual.
No, certainly not.
I believe God wants a contrite heart and broken spirit (see Psalm 51:17). He wants us to hate sin, to abhor the acts that are not of him. Not making excuses or expecting that he will understand.
“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!”
Romans 6:1-2.
An empowered Christian woman in today’s world
Every day, we read about feminism that is characterized by a sexual revolution and excesses but that’s not what true empowerment is.
Yes, I want to be an empowered Christian woman, but not in the way the world sees it.
My empowerment stems from knowing my identity can only be found in Christ and he is the one who empowers me to live a life that is pleasing to God.
Whatever happens, never forget that God gave you the power to choose, he gave you free will so you can come to him of your own volition.
To choose him to lead and direct you.
Affirmations of an empowered Christian woman
- I can no longer hide in the shadows but have to come out into the light.
- My life has been redeemed and made whole, I no longer walk as an incomplete being, but as one complete in Christ.
- I have direct access to the eternal spring of living waters that will never run dry and I know if I abide in him, I will never thirst again.
- I do not walk around, in search of something I already have – God’s love and grace.
Dear friend,
It’s time to wake up!
We are a generation of empowered women because he has made it so. Now, it’s time we lived as he has purposed.
Very powerful article. I loved it!
Thanks, Mehak
Amazing post! Totally loved it!
It’s not enough to just read all this stuff – we must believe it too!
Absolutely, Andrea.
Great post. I tweeted it out. xo
Love this
I am a Christian feminist, although I don’t normally label myself as such. In my mind, God created us to be a certain way. That means we should be that way to the best of our ability. If you are a woman who can lead, then lead. If you are a woman who is better at supporting others, than do that to the best of your ability. I like how you said that empowerment was about IDENTITY over equality.
Hi Lauren, thank you so much for sharing your perspective. I used to call myself a feminist but stopped when I realised my message could be easily misconstrued. Now, I am all for supporting and encouraging women to live their best lives. I definitely agree with you that it’s about living the life God has ordained for us, which will be different for each of us. Our confidence and identity come from knowing our purpose and living it.
Your messages speak reality and truth, they have a way of soothing me whenever I read them. You are indeed endowed.
Thank you so much, Cugo. I’m so happy to know the words I write have been helpful. God bless you real good.
Everything about this is extraordinary! This made me reevaluate how I define things! Thank you so much for sharing your powerful perspective!
Thank you so much, Kimberly. I’m so glad you found it helpful. It’s something that has been in my heart and I’m so glad I got a chance to share it.
I loved reading this and I love the power behind it. I feel empowered! Thank you for sharing this. I loved when you said, “No, it is in boldly proclaiming the word of God without fear or rancour. It is in knowing my identity and working with a sense of purpose.” This is so true. When our identity is in Christ, we cannot feel. Christ’s power rests on us. Love it!
Hi Hanha, thank you so much for reading. I’m so happy that you found it empowering. Christ is really all we need to find and live our true identity.
Beautiful words! Thank you for this push forward for us as women to live bold, unafraid lives for God! <3
Thank you, Traci. May we live for his glory.
Powerful! Love it 🙂 This is one article with a message that needs to be referred over and over again, so we never forget! Thank you for sharing such inspiring words; praise God! Sharing with a friend right now 🙂
Alexandra!! Thanks a lot for reading and sharing.I’m praying for many more empowered women.