Hi Sis,
Today, I want you to go back in time, way back to those silent prayers, those dreams and goals of the past. I want you to go back to the dreams you lost.
Yes, those dreams that were swept away by the worries and realities of life. Go back to those images in your mind’s eye that had felt so real at one point.
These may have been dreams from your school days or when you started working. They may have been from 10 years ago, 5years ago or just last year.
All that matters is that you look for them and find them. This may mean ruffling through your bags, going into your archives, digging deep into your heart. This is not the time to lose hope. Wherever these dreams may be, I need you to find them and take the next three steps.
Three steps to finding and living your dreams
Review your lost dreams
This first step is perhaps the hardest. It will require an honest evaluation of these dreams and goals. You will consider the things you had hoped to do and achieve, why you had wanted to do these things and if they are still achievable.
You may find that some of these dreams are no longer appropriate or realistic due to time or circumstances. For these ones, you will have to let them go.
You may also find that some of the dreams are still feasible. For instance, you may have wanted to write a book in your 20’s. The dream to write a book is still valid even if you are now in your 30’s. Joseph had a dream, a dream about leading and saving his people but it took decades of pain and suffering to finally actualize his dream. I believe through persecution Joseph learnt humility, wisdom and the need to depend wholly on God.(Genesis 37-49)
What is your dream?
Enhance your lost dreams
The second step after reviewing your dreams is to improve on those that are still feasible. I want to believe that the last few years of your life have come with lessons, use these lessons to improve on your dream.
A quick test to help you is the K-E-E-P Test.
K – Knowledge
Do you know what this dream requires? Knowledge is an important condiment in creating a workable dream.
E – Elaborate
Can you elaborate or itemize what you need to achieve it? Basically, is your dream real or just another pie in the sky?
E – Edify
Is this dream edifying? Will it lead to positive growth and ultimately bring glory to God?
P – Pray
Pray specifically about this dream. Pray for insight, for wisdom and for strength to follow through. Use whatever revelation or ideas you receive to tweak and improve these dreams.
Activate your lost dreams
Your best intentions will only be that until you take action. No matter how well thought out and improved these dreams and goals may be, until you take action they will only remain in your thoughts.
“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”
John 13:17
The beautiful thing about taking action is that we are not doing it in our own strength but by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I can tell you that toiling in your own strength is a fruitless exercise but there is always a difference when our actions are backed by heaven’s resources. If your dream has passed the KEEP Test then it’s time to put it into motion.
Take that big, scary step today. Start something and watch God bless you as you rely on Him.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Colossians 3:17
Dear friend, I don’t know the dreams in your heart, those big and scary goals that may have kept you up at night but I need you to remember that God knows. He is aware of every vision and dream in your heart.
I pray you take a step of faith today knowing that you can achieve it with God by your side.
It looks like God had a specific message this week!
Love this!