Being woman is about understanding who we are as women and our place in the world. It’s about our identity, our character, our gifts, our flaws, our weaknesses and the pains that beset us.
Understanding our identity goes beyond our present circumstance. It requires a willingness to know and accept who God says we are.
Are you currently going through a period of uncertainty about your place as a woman? Please read this poem on the art of Being Woman:
The Art of being woman
She is a silent helper, seeing to every need
Her once revered waist now lost in the sands of the time.
She believes in you and is always there as your anchor
Her identity tied to your every wish.
Her journey, a fortress of pain and joy.
Buoyed by the constant needs of others,
she works hard waiting to reap her reward
But finds the fruits of her labour are for those to come
Life throws stones her way
Hurt and battered, she trudges along,
Not sure of where to go.
Sinking deep but unwilling to lie low
she builds blocks with the pain in tow
She looks back on life and wonders how
What must she do for peace to come her way?
Then she remembers the God of her youth
The one whose life was laid for hers
He reminds her of who she is;
Redeemed, loved and sanctified.
Her life a clean slate, her strength renewed
He tells her she matters and her place is sure.
She no longer looks to the world for her worth,
the quest for truth leads to battle lines
But she no longer fights alone
She is anchored by the Lord, most high.
By her side are all her sisters
The ones who believe in a world overcome with love.
Their lives set apart for justice and peace
Standing firm on the principles of grace and truth.
She is being woman without regret or reproach
Her substance not tied to culture or hearth.
Her virtues celebrated but not worshipped
With no place for jealousy or envy.
She is being woman in a world that loves men
Forgiving and loving, she brings about change
Laying bare the issues of life and death
Hiding nothing from the one who sees all.
She is being woman, daughter of the Most- High God
Resolute in her work as an ambassador of his kingdom
Set to do her part to bring his people back
She is being woman and that’s what he made her to be.
What ‘being woman’ means to me?
The above poem (Poetic prose), was my simple illustration of the life of many Christian women, some of our struggles and our pain, especially our search for identity in a world that doesn’t always accept us.
I was reminded once again that our identity and our place on earth remains tied to our creator. There is nothing and no one that can ever complete us or love us like God.
Being woman for me means understanding and accepting my place on earth. It means learning to revel in all that I am and all that God has made me to be. It is loving my body, my mind and my soul while also seeking to live my best life.
Being woman is in celebrating and loving the women around me and understanding our uniqueness, which is not tied to the world’s expectations but to God’s declarations.
These are declarations as to my place in him, my status and my identity.
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”
Genesis 1:27-28
What does being woman mean to you?
Beautiful! Reminds how amazing being a woman is!
What an absolutely beautiful poem that puts my feelings about women into words so well. Thank you for sharing your gift of poetry, Chioma. I plan to share it with the women in my life. It is powerful beyond measure.
Thank you so much, Carri. So glad you liked it and thanks for sharing it.
A very pretty poem! Great job 🙂