Have you ever had someone come up to you, confident that you will be able to help them but you don’t have the answer they need?
You have some words for them, but realize that it doesn’t really answer their question, which means they have to do some work themselves.
I often get emails from ladies who need counsel and advice on their particular issues, especially on sexual temptation.
Recently, I realized that sending encouragement and tips was not enough. Many times, we are looking for a quick answer. The tip that will get us what we want with little or no effort.
True and permanent things barely come that way.
I also realized that I didn’t have the answer. I realized that my own experiences and the things I did could not serve as the answer since no two lives are the same. Though they can serve as a guide, to be used cautiously.
But there is an answer. An answer we need. An answer that makes every problem bearable and every question resolved. Over the last few weeks, I have learned some truths, which have been confirmed by God’s word, over and over again.
And it all comes back to Jesus.
I sincerely apologize if I ever led you to believe I had the answer. If I ever made this blog or my emails to be anything more than what they were supposed to be: encouragement for Christian life.
There is but one answer and it is simply: Jesus.
He is the truth and the answer.
See, I am no different from any reader of this blog. I am just another person trying to make sense of this one life.
In the last few years, I have seen God change the course of my life. I like to think he did a course correction and changed my position. For a moment there, I was veering off and I know for a fact that rather than letting him lead, I had the bright idea to lead the way and only call on him in the dark and uncertain places. I wanted to decide how life was going to go but thankfully, he caught me and his grace allowed me to pivot.
Through this blog, I have had the privilege to share tips and suggestions for Christian living, many of them from my life. But I need to state categorically that these are not the answers.
There are many questions and only one answer: Jesus.
Perhaps, I am confusing you. Permit me to share some lessons:
The centrality of our Christian life is Jesus. This is probably something you have heard but it is not enough to say it we need to own it.
In John14:6, Jesus says: …I am the Way, the Truth and the Life…
That is a bold statement and we know that God does not lie nor does he make empty promises. I hope you let this sink in.
Here’s the incredible part: he doesn’t just give life but he gives it more abundantly.
He says so in John 10:10(NIV)
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
That is his prayer for us, that we may find life in him, not just any life but abundant life.
Then he goes a step further in John 17:3
“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
How incredible is this!
Jesus doesn’t just give us life he gives us abundant life, this segues into eternal life, which is ultimately about knowing the father.
But this kind of life has a few conditions, you may call it the fine print, but I prefer to call it the blueprint.
The blueprint is this: we give Christ free rein over our lives. We let him in and allow him to reign over our words, thoughts and every aspect of this mortal body.
That’s certainly a big ask.
In Luke 9:23(NKJV), Jesus paints a grueling picture of what it means to follow him –
“Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”
You will agree with me that this is impossible!
There are some desires and wants within us that seem out of control. Things that we wish we could stop, things that we wish we could avoid, but somehow they pursue us, the hunger so deep, the longing so raw and demanding that all we can do is find a way, any way to assuage it.
I can definitely testify as someone who has tried to battle the desires of my flesh in my own strength.
I have tried, at different times, to be a good person, to love others better and be selfless. To stop being jealous, envious, greedy, lazy and all the many other things that plague my heart.
This is probably the same for you. We want to do better but often fall short.
And that’s because we were not supposed to fight the battle in our own strength. We need God’s help for we were never supposed to do anything without him.
Okay, I know that sounds crazy.
You may be wondering what I mean by anything if it includes things that are inconsequential and forgettable. Well, Jesus says:
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5(NKJV)
Okay, let’s get scholarly on this one; we will look at the original translation and also consider some rules of interpretation.
The Greek translation of John 15:5
In the original Greek translation, the word used to describe nothing is ‘oudeis’, a fusion of oudé (“not even”) + εÏÇ (heÎs, “one”), meaning ‘not even one’.
If we transpose this meaning into the text of John 15:5, it would read:
‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him bears fruit; for without Me you can do not even one.’
‘Not even one’ seems to indicate there are no exceptions. I believe it refers to the closeness of the relationship where Christ is at the helm of our hearts.
Rules of interpretation
To interpret John 15:5, we have to consider the context and also the words. This verse uses a plant analogy to depict our relationship with Jesus. We know that a branch that is cut of often withers and dies soon enough. It needs to be attached for nourishment. It is that nourishment that allows growth. This will mean, remaining in Christ leads to our growth and nourishment, likely spiritual, and emotional growth.
However, the reference to ‘nothing’ implies that there is more. It implies that the connection doesn’t just ensure growth but ensures existence. Without the tree, the branch cannot exist much less grow. It is the branch that ensures its livelihood. The tree, through its root, gives of itself to the braches, it shares it’s life source to every part.
And that is what I believe Jesus does for us. He ensures our life.
This is not something he does just for us, but something he exemplified during his time on earth.
“Then Jesus answered and said unto them, “Most assuredly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.”
John 5:19
Jesus confirmed that without God he could do nothing. He goes on to liken this to food (sustenance).
Right now, it may seem like you’re in a maze. I do apologize if I have unintentionally complicated things.
What I have been trying to say in the last few hundred words is this:
Jesus is the answer. He is the answer to every issue, every triumph, every problem, every praise. Everything.
He is the only one that matters at the end of the day and knowing him makes all the difference for it is through this intimate knowledge (ginosko) that we have life to the fullest.
My only job as a writer and your fellow sister on this journey is to point you to Jesus. He must be what you see when you read my posts.
This also means that he wants a real and personal relationship with each of us. When I share my stories or share tips, please realize that it cannot take the place of Jesus for our lives and experiences are unique and distinct. There is no tip, no suggestion, no encouragement that can be better than the real thing: which is knowing God for yourself.
Sisters, this is my prayer for you: that you know our heavenly father, through the intimate and loving connection with his son, Jesus Christ. Let him reveal his will and plans for you as only he can.
Once again, I apologize if I had in any way presented myself as someone who knows the answers to your problems and questions because I don’t. I lean on God because I have learned, time and again, that I can do nothing without him.
I am totally lost without him. If you know me then you know how awkward and weird I can be. LOL. Somehow, he is using this awkward and weird girl to do his work, and he wants to use you too.
Growing your relationship with God
Growing our relationship with God is the most important thing we ever do. There is no standard way to do it but some central themes:
- You have to make time for this relationship. You have to nurture and protect it
- Spend time talking to God (otherwise known as prayer), ask him those questions that have plagued your heart, they may be about you or others.
- Spend time getting to know him through his word. Educate and cultivate your mind in his ways.
- Praise and thank him.
- It is not about you, it is about him. Don’t make the relationship about you but allow him to work in and through you. Remember that God knows everything about you and he knows what you need better than you could ever know, including the things he wants you to do, per time. That’s the beauty of knowing and loving him.
Thank you to be you and vulnerable , humble, and don’t be sorry for anything, a blog is made with to share thoughts, prayers, and i am pretty sure that you are lead by the spirit, our job it’s not to condamn you if you don’t have answer , but our job is to pray for you to be an inspiration and like you said we have to valid with him and the spirit to take our part in what you shared ( sorry my English is not so good )
It’s our journey with him who will determine thru the spirit the way it will talk to us !
Continue your amazing work lady and be blessed 🙂