Hey friends,
Welcome back to the Relationship Secrets Series. My sincere apologies for the brief break in transmission.
We are back!
Your openness to the work of healing and restoration will directly affect the health of your relationship.
Most of us have had one or more unsavoury experiences from our past and may have been carrying those same pains and burdens into every new relationship.
Like Simi (from Tip 4), we may have allowed the fears and hurt to seep into our current relationship, forgetting that our past can only have a hold on us if we let it.
We get to choose how we treat our past.
We can decide to treat it as a stepping stone to our current relationship (a season of growth and development of our character) or as an impediment to having a healthy and thriving relationship.
This is not about ignoring what you’ve been through, but about encouraging you on your journey to health (spiritual and emotional) and wholeness.
We want you:
- Healed
- Whole
- Restored
- Refreshed
And all this is possible if we open ourselves to the healing process.
Steps to healing:
Healing is defined as to “make free from injury or disease: to make sound or whole…to cause an undesirable condition to be overcome.” (Merriam Webster Dictionary)
Healing is essentially a change of state from infirmed to whole, whether this is an emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual state. Below are key steps in the healing process:
Acknowledge the pain and discomfort.
Firstly, you need to acknowledge that there is something wrong. Do you find that you are quick to suspect your partner, even when there’s no reason to?
Do you struggle with attachment – either avoidant or over-attached, or maybe you usually have unsettling dreams where you are intimate with a faceless individual and this disintegrates your real-life relationships?
Acknowledging our hurt and pain is an important step to our victory and freedom. Identifying what we are struggling with is important in determining the kind of help we need.
Seek the help and direction of the Holy Spirit
This is a period of excavation and unearthing.
The Holy Spirit is willing and able to shine a light into all the dark and murky parts of our past. He can show us the things that have plagued and affected us. Perhaps, it was a betrayal that cut deep or a childhood trauma that keeps resurfacing.
Let God show you the path to your freedom.
Get the help you need.
We are all dealing with different things and as you can imagine, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. For some of us, we will need a season of fasting, prayer, and spiritual deliverance, for others, structured therapy sessions are necessary, and yet another may require all these things.
Our generation has unfortunately downplayed the reality of spiritual bondage. A lack of understanding of this means that we may be looking for physical solutions to spiritual problems.
The Apostle Paul, on several occasions, pinpointed that our wrestle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, and rulers of the evil world.
Do we think the devil wants God’s children to get into kingdom marriages?
Of course not!
Kingdom marriages are an incredible force against the gates of hell.
So, as he did with Eve and all those who came after, he will lie to you, reminding you of your past and struggles. He will create strife where there is none and promote the needs of your flesh (which is focused on preservation, not love).
Receive your healing.
The healing process is a walk of faith. It is about believing that God will refine and restore you even if this has not yet manifested.
In the Bible, we had instances where our Saviour healed the sick and infirm by informing them that their sins were forgiven. There were also instances where he said, “your faith has made you whole.”(Mark 5:34)
Without faith, it is impossible to seize our healing. The great thing is that even faith, as small as a mustard seed, will enable the perfect work of God.
Our faith walk is also a continuous journey of trusting and obeying the Holy Spirit, by acting in the fullness of what we have prayed for and worked for.
“Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Mark 11:24
I pray we believe that God is doing the inner work of healing and restoration.
In conclusion: Be healed
Your partner needs you whole and healed.
This doesn’t mean that you need to end the relationship, or that you must wait till you are whole to enter into one. We are to be led by the Spirit of God!
What it means is that you must be invested in your healing and wholeness. You are to recognise what you need and get the help you need, as it will not only save your life (literally and figuratively) but also empower your relationship.
Father, I thank You for You are my redeemer and great restorer.
Lord, I ask for your healing power over my life. Father, you know the pains that have besieged me and the issues that have plagued me. Lord, I ask that your arrest everything that is not of You. Lord, refine and restore me, cleanse me of every infirmity and release me from every spiritual bondage. For in your matchless name, I pray, Amen.
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