I longed to pray but never could
With a willing heart but tired bones
The snooze button, I loved to hate
A reminder that I could do it late
I searched all around for the miracle bug
A book, a word to get me done.
For the life of me, it didn’t work
so to the church, I went as one in bonds.
I watched them sing in songs of praise
Their hands they moved as words dictate
A part of me hoped but could not relate
to this life of words and genuflect.
Could it be I had it wrong,
after the others and not his call?
Every year a line in my dirty slate
But never one I could imitate.
I know I want to be like the Lord
To seek the time to meet his Lord.
But my life flows and I lose the cords
to ring me back to the one I love.
Where do I start if I cannot speak?
What do I claim if I never hear?
May his kingdom come and will be done
But will he give me bread if I ask him not?
Peace I seek in the midnight hour
and calm through the chaos of the day.
That my eyes may look to the hills up high
for there you are, my help and King.
May my praise be alive with joy
and the words that fail me flow to you.
I am the branch burdened by the world
Prune me that I may rise higher than I.
Let prayer be my life and guide
a chosen course for the ones you love.
Let my life be forever tied
to a prayer life, I shall surely have.
Your prayer life matters
The above poetic prose (a writing style which mixes poetry and prose) was inspired by my desire to grow my prayer life and develop my communion with God.
If you’ve ever felt like a barren land, bereft of a wonderful relationship with the father, I hope you know you’re not alone. There have been many times I felt this way, not because God had left me for he never leaves or forsakes us. But because I had moved away, and had turned my thoughts and mind from him. Rather than commune with him, I felt what I had was enough to sustain me during the rainy days.
I don’t know what you’re going through and can’t even imagine it all but I just want to remind you that it isn’t too late to turn back to him, to make time to commune with him and grow the most important relationship you will ever have.
Maybe you relied on the prayers of the church, your family or friends but these can never sustain you. You need to grow independently of everyone else. Quiet times’ are a personal endeavour with our one true God and I hope you are encouraged to pursue this with your all.
I will be rooting for you and I pray you get to pray like never before.
That you call on him and believe he will answer you and hear your voice. But more than that, that you seek to fellowship with him and know what his will is for your life.
“As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me. Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, and he shall hear my voice.”
Psalm 55:16-17
“Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks for this is the will of the Father through Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:17
This is a very beautiful piece, Chioms? God bless you and your works!
Yay! I’m so glad you like it. Thank you so much, dearest ‘Coise x
I love this!
Thank you.
This is so relatable. You’re going to encourage so many people. Lots of folks give up praying because they think they are the only ones with the struggle. I’ve been there for sure. Thank God for His patience and the Holy Spirit that guides.
So true, Teri. I used to feel that way, too. God is so amazing and I pray he meets each of us at our point of need.
Beautiful and transparent, thanks for sharing. I can definitely relate.
Thank you, Ruth. I’m so glad I got a chance to share it.
Love your prayer poetry. I write a lot about prayer. Visiting from By His Grace Bloggers and sharing on my FB page.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Rachel. Glad you liked it.
What a great piece of work! I have also experienced the inability to pray. In fact, it comes on me quite often. I have found, for myself, that I just have to keep pushing past that feeling and doing it even when I don’t feel like it and I’m not feeling it. I look at it as a step of Faith and eventually it gets easier again. Prayer is communion with our heavenly Father and it’s so important that we take the time to do it, just as you said. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much, Rosanna. I agree, it definitely gets easier as we step out in faith.
This was so beautiful!
Thanks a lot, Nezet.
Such a beautiful poem and heart for wanting what He wants..deeper connection..I pray for protection and a hunger and thirst for Him in this area for you..I pray you continue to have a heart for this important element in our Christian walk..thanks for sharing!
Amen. Thank you so much, Nina.