I am here to remind you that our Father is the Great Physician. He can do much more than you can ask or imagine.
When I was about 7 years old, I fell off a swing at a neighbour’s house.
Like most kids, I was obsessed with swings (at least until I was 9).
On that fateful day, my brother and I visited our neighbours. I had gone to visit the swings, but who is counting?
Before then, my mum had warned us about jumping off swings; of course, one of the first things I did was jump off. I can’t remember how it happened; I just remember the intense pain coming from my left leg.
I had sprained it. So, I limped back home and pretended for about two days like nothing happened. The swelling and the facial expressions I could no longer hide gave it a way, and so I ended up wearing a cast for a few months.
Fast forward to a few years ago, I noticed that I would often feel a prickling and growing discomfort on my left hip, around the joint area. I didn’t think much of it at first, but in the last couple of months, the sensation became more insistent. Every time I walked or took the stairs, I would feel it.
While talking to the Holy Spirit about it. I realised a few things:
- That fall had been much worse than I thought. While the doctors had focused on my ankle sprain, it seems there might have been a mild dislocation at my hips. This must have affected my growth and became more pronounced. I remember a friend would often shout “one bounce, one sway” anytime she caught me walking, but I didn’t think much of it. I started adding the pieces and realised that the fall had affected the joints around my hips.
- As I’ve grown older, what was formerly a mild dislocation is now causing major discomfort. So much so that I avoid turning on my left side while walking and sometimes while lying down.
My story changed in 2024.
I saw a flyer for an event organised by Pastor Victoria Orenze. I love so many of her songs and registered to attend. But as the day drew near, I started looking for reasons not to attend.
Thank God for His providence and for not allowing us to stay in our comfort zone. The night before the event, the Holy Spirit told me to attend, and I believe I asked for help to do so because on the morning of the day, it started raining. I still don’t know how, but He got me there early and ready.
Little did I know that the Great Physician had scheduled an appointment with me. One I could not miss.
God will meet you right where you are but will not leave you there…
About an hour into the 5-hour event, I started weeping. These were not your normal emotional tears, but huge, racking sobs. It even felt like I was crying and laughing at the same time.
Has this ever happened to you?
Before then, I had danced and walked around, and anytime I felt the pain on my left hip, I would ignore it.
At first, I was surprised by the tears. It seemed a bit extreme for the moment. In fact, at some point, I was so overcome that I had to kneel. I stayed on my knees for a few minutes, crying and praising.
When I finally got up, I did so without the usual prickle on my left. I didn’t think much of it as I tried to clean up the tears running down my face and blow my nose.
When I started moving around again, I noticed there was no pain or discomfort, and that was when I realised what God had done.
My people, I broke down in tears again. I couldn’t believe it.
I had never had this kind of experience before. Yes, in the past, I have gotten healed after praying, but this time around; I hadn’t even prayed. I had just been talking to God, some moments before, about my leg and my worries that it may get worse as I got older. I had come across a reel, the day before, on osteoporosis and didn’t want to have leg problems especially because I’m quite active.
I wrote this testimony a few days after the event, but I am now sharing it almost a year later.
While it has taken me some time to share my testimony, I pray that whatever appointment the Great Physician has with you, or any member of your family will not be rescheduled.
I pray that as He healed me of an ailment that has been there for over 30 years, so too will He go into your family’s bloodline and heal you of whatever pains or aches manifesting in your body.
Today, I walk, jump, and generally move my legs and hips without pain or discomfort.
On days where I recall this experience, I am, once again, humbled by how God intercedes in my matter.
God is still in the business of Healing His Children
God healed me in a moment of praise. He released me from a pain and a dislocation that had been there since I was a child.
If He did it for me, I know that by His abundant grace and in His overflowing mercy, He will do the same for you.
I pray you keep believing and do not give up on God.
I don’t know what ailment you’re currently dealing with and what you’ve been believing him for, but please trust and obey.
Imagine if I had decided not to attend the event? I thank God for using Pastor Victoria Orenze as His vessel of love and power. She made room for God to move in that place. I am sure we will hear many healing and breakthrough stories. Amen
PS: Here is a video of the event. I was one of the first people shown in the video. My reaction during this section was one of unbelievable elation, not just because of the song, but at what God had done for me moments before.
Once again, I thank God for healing me and for arresting what could have been a debilitating issue. I know my healing is permanent, and I will continue to testify of this.
“Whom the son has set free is free indeed.”
John 8:36
Our God is good.
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