Hello sis,
How are you doing?
It’s been over 6 years since I started this blog and email newsletter. Wow!
2017 now feels like a lifetime ago, and for good reason. It was a year that defined me in a lot of ways. It was the year:
• I lost my Dad.
• I left my full-time career.
• I started this blog + ministry to reach women like me.
In that time, I have learned a lot, but I have also made a lot of mistakes and that’s what this blog is about.
Sis, I am writing to sincerely apologize for the many times I have failed to connect with you and do the very things I have been called to do.
I am so sorry for the times I failed to:
- Respond to your emails and comments.
- Find out how things have been with you.
- Check in.
- Really listen to you and hear your heart.
- Write what God had laid on my heart, rather than just writing what I felt like.
- Go to God first.
- Post regularly
- Take this seriously.
- Focus on my own journey and not compare my progress with another’s.
- Let go of the need to judge.
- Follow through on projects and resources for you
- Provide accountability for you
- Delve deeper in the word and in prayer
- Intercede for you.
- Share my struggles and realities.
- Share my victories and testimonies.
- Work boldly in the assurance of the One who has called me to this good work.
- highlight that Christianity is a journey towards God and no one has it all figured out.
- Surrender my all to God and allow Him to lead me in my writing and speaking.
- Be thankful for the small wins, instead of continually looking for the next big thing.
- Enjoy the journey and privilege.
There are so many more things I have done wrong or failed to do, so many times my actions have belied my words. I am so sorry, sis and I ask for your forgiveness.
Thank you so much for journeying with me these past few years.
I am beyond grateful, and I pray that our Heavenly Father will continue to feed you with His word and that you will grow in intimacy with your maker. Amen
Next Steps – What this means
I will be taking a break from blogging and the newsletter. I don’t know how long this will take, but I believe it is the right thing for now. You can continue to reach out and interact with me on Instagram and YouTube if you wish.
I will also be releasing a devotional in a couple of weeks (I will share this with you), but beyond that, you will not hear from me for a while. But I believe I will be back better and stronger, by His grace. Amen
For the woman experiencing sexual pressure
In last week’s email, I mentioned the possibility of creating a resource on this, but not at the moment.
Interestingly, I came across a great video on this, just a few days ago. You can it watch here.
The Dear Lady Ann YouTube Channel is an incredible resource for every woman who is looking to have a kingdom marriage or build one.
Do you have any questions for me?
Hey sis, do you have any questions for me or is there anything on your heart you’d like to share? Please share in the comments or send me an email.
God bless you ?
I remain your sister,
Chioma Oparadike
I am a pastor in Atlanta, GA. I came across your blog searching for empowerment for Christian women. I am truly impressed. I also read your letter of apology and was equally impressed with your sincerity and genuine concern for your audience. I want to encourage you to lean in and not step back. What you have to say is God-breathed and ladies like my 20-something year old daughter needs to hear it. I am writing because I wanted to share this with her but I realized you stepped away. You have a pastor’s heart and a voice that was planted inside of you before your beautiful self was created. Step out of the shadows into the light; so many are wanting and waiting for you! Be blessed and know that I’m cheering you on from the sidelines!
Thank you so much for your beautiful words. I am deeply grateful and I continually pray for the wisdom, strength, and humility to do all that God has called me to.
Thanks again for being so gracious. May God bless you immeasurably and may you receive a word of encouragement and blessing when you need it.
You GO Girl!