Guest post by Desiree Moore
My girlfriends gave me the look. Every girl knows this look quite well. It’s the raised right eyebrow, with a slight grin on the face. And don’t forget the famous discreet slow head nod. If you are up on your girl code you know this means either one of two things.
Your friend is saying, “I think he might be the one, girl” or the casual “You guys looks so cute together”.
Let me rewind a little bit and bring you back to last Sunday’s church service so it all can make sense. At church, my pastor preached about unity in marriages. To give a visual example, he called for a man and woman to come up front. A male volunteer went up but for some reason, no lady did. Most of the women seemed to be looking everywhere but at the front. My friends began to badger me to go up and be apart of the example. I finally gave in and went up.
The pastor told the male volunteer and I to lock arms tight; to show when there is unity in your marriage the enemy has no place to come between. My friends smiled at me and gave me the look I told you about earlier. But as I locked arms with this man all I could feel was the conviction of Christ calling me back to him. Then the pastor asked us to unlock our arms and stand apart to demonstrate the challenges the lack of unity brings in marriages.
It finally dawned on me that this season of my life had been so challenging because I had lost unity with Christ. When the demonstration was over, I went back to my seat lost in thought, while my friends were already planning a wedding, telling me this was a sign I would be married this year. Then, God showed me I would indeed become a bride this year. HIS bride.
No longer a Runaway Bride
As I left the church I knew I needed to get quiet before God. I ran home and did just that; God began to show me how I allowed many things to come before our marriage. This caused division between us. School, work, friendships, doubts, and even my blog became idols. As I repented and cried out to God I began to ask him to show me how we could become one again.
As I dug into the word God showed me something interesting: The bible is filed with vows to US. Every page you turn you will see the promises God made and His sacrifices for us.
After I read through some of the Lord’s vows:
“I will never leave nor forsake you”
“You are mine…”
“I love you with an everlasting love…”
I was led to write my very own vows to the Lord. Yes! Vows like the ones you pray to get through without crying on your wedding day. Vows, the one you wait with anticipation to hear your husband share with you.
Making those Vows
Before you pull out your journal and write your own I think it’s important to for me to share when I first wrote my vows I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t even know the significance of vows.
The first thing you must do is to pray and ask God what your vows should be. The significance of vows reminds us of the part we play in our commitment to relationships. Vows also remind us of our commitment when things get rocky.
My Vows to God
Here are some of the vows I wrote out to God.
I vow to learn God’s Love and to love him with all of my heart. I vow to love people no matter the situation. I make this vow because I know it will be pleasing to God.
I vow to always consider what I’m doing please to God. I vow to learn what pleases God.
I vow to always search for God in everything and everyone. Searching for God in people means seeing the best in others. Seeking God means waking up in the morning and he is the first thought on my heart and mind. Constantly looking for God in every way.
I vow to not allow anything to come between my love for Christ. No job, no task, no man, nothing.
I vow to never take credit for the goodness of the Lord. I vow to acknowledge God in every area of my life.
I vow to consider God in all decisions. I vow to not ask God just about the big things but include him in every decision every idea.
I vow to always stay in communion with God. I vow to stay connected to the vine.
I vow to take a stand for Christ. I vow to help clarify the truth. I vow to never part take in conversations that disrespect or make a mockery of God. I vow to stand for truth.
I vow to be 100% committed to God. I vow to spend time with God daily. I vow to use my life for others to come to Christ. I vow to pour my life out for others.
I vow to share the gospel with others no matter the cost or what can be lost with doing this.
- Pray – spend time with God and ask him what you an include in your vows
- Write a list of areas you need to commit to God
- Think about the relationship you need and want with God.
- Think of what is important to you
- Fast and pray and ask God.
About the Guest Author
Desiree is a blogger for God’s Little Treasures where she writes about Faith, Foster Care and overcoming Childhood Trauma. When she is not writing she enjoys photography and spending time with family and friends.
Connect with her on Instagram
Wow! What an impactful wisdom! You have shared with us from the heart. Thanks so much and God bless you
Hello Dada. Thank you for your kind words, and I’m so glad you found the post helpful.