Did you know that God was the initiator and originator of some of the professions and careers we do today?
This may seem like a weird post; perhaps you were expecting twenty names of God or something similar. But recently, I was thinking about how we often limit God to religious matters and believe our faith or religion is separate from our business and social lives.
We often don’t realize that God is the originator of so many things, including some of the professions, which people believe are ungodly. Before these jobs or careers had names, God had already done them, he had modeled so many of these skills and accomplishments, which confirms a few things:
God is purposeful
For every one of the things he did, there was a reason and purpose to it; it was usually to reveal himself – his nature, his character, and his power. And it was always for his glory.
God is the ultimate creative
Our God is the ultimate creative and he understands our dreams and gifts, many of which he put in us.
We can do more with God’s help
We are made in the image and likeness of God, we need to believe that he can call on us to do different things in different seasons of our lives. Please do not think that all God expects of those who serve him is to work in a church or be a missionary. That would be a gross mistake. If we are surrendered, God can use us in many ways to achieve his purposes and plans for this world.
The beautiful thing is that God can enable us to accomplish so many things through the power of the Holy Spirit. He wants us to continue the work he started but he wants us to do these things with him.
God is looking for men and women who will surrender all to him and allow him to work in and through them.
I don’t know what your career trajectory has been like but you need to get God involved. Perhaps, you chose your job for the financial benefits, or the network it provides, the prestige or just job security.
Whatever your reasons may be, I hope through this post you realize that God is mindful of what you do and he is aware of what it takes to do it.
He needs you to surrender your will and allow His light shine through you. He wants everything we do to be about him.
When I was coming up with this list, I had over 30 current professions and I can bet you that if I went through the Bible, I may find so many more.
Isn’t that amazing!
God had already done so many of the things the world believes he wouldn’t understand.
20 current professions that God did in the Bible
- Surgeon
With everything we hear about Christianity and science, you would think God hated science or medicine but that’s not the case. God did the first recorded surgery, himself, in Genesis 2.
God was also the anesthesiologist for this operation:
“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place.”
Genesis 2:21
- Sculptor
God was the first to form a thing out of the dust of the earth. He formed animals in different shapes and sizes and he formed man. The incredible thing is that he sculpts both the outer and the inner parts of us. He is our physical and spiritual sculptor.
Genesis 2: 7
“The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.”
- Fashion Designer
Before the world knew what clothes were, God had made the first pair for Adam and Eve.
“For Adam and his wife, the Lord made tunics of skin, and clothed them.”
Genesis 3:21
The next time someone tells us that God is not interested in clothing, or how we look, I hope you remind them of this scripture. But more so, I hope you realize that God also made these clothes to protect them and keep them warm from the elements.
- Surveyor
God’s work as a surveyor was expertly established when he responded to Job in Job 38:4-5:
“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much. Who determined its dimensions and stretched out it’s surveying lines.
- Horticulturist
“The Lord planted a garden in Eden…and out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.”
Genesis 2:8,9
- Builder
God built a world out of nothing. He put in the building blocks of creation. Determining where each part would fit in.
“For every house has a builder but the one who built everything is God.”
Hebrews 3:4
- Architect
There are many instances of God giving specific instructions about the design and dimensions of building projects. He did this for Noah’s Ark. See Genesis 6-7 and for the Ark and Tabernacle of the Israelites see Exodus 25.
In the building of the tabernacle, God also gave instructions on the interior design, this in effect will mean he was also the interior designer.
- Writer
The Lord wrote the first of the Ten Commandments on stone. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit revealed the word and inspired the writers of the Bible. More so, He continues to inspire us and give us the right words even today.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says “all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.”
- Cosmologist
When we think about space or science, it’s often hard to correlate the God we know with what science tells us. Nevertheless, before we thought up the words cosmology (the study of the natural order of the universe) or astronomy (the study of matter outside the earth), God was already talking about how the stars and the universe work.
“Can you direct the movement of the stars—binding the cluster of the Pleiades or loosening the cords of Orion? Can you direct the constellations through seasons…do you know the laws of the universe? Can you use them to regulate the earth?
Job 38:31, 32a-33
- Meteorologist
Before the world could understand the weather and the seasons, God had already determined this.
“Who can understand the spreading of the clouds and the thunder that rolls forth from heaven? See how he spreads the lightning around him and it lights up the depths of the sea.”
Job 36:29-30
- Judge
The Bible has several references to God as the Judge of Israel and the judge of the world. Trademarks of his character are fairness, justice, and righteousness; these remain the hallmarks of present-day judicial systems and the judiciary.
- Psychologist
There are several Bible verses where God reminds us that it is our mind that controls us and we must be cautious of our thoughts, and not give way to negativity or evil desires:
“Do not copy the behavior or customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think…”
Romans 12:2a
- Teacher
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.”
Psalm 32:8(NIV)
God is our eternal teacher. He teaches us his commandments, writes it on our hearts so we don’t forget.
- Counselor/Advocate
In Isaiah 9:6-7, Jesus is described as a wonderful counselor. A counselor is one who gives advice or provides counseling to others such as a child counselor, a marriage counselor and even an advocate/lawyer.
Furthermore, in John 14:16, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will be our counselor and will never leave us.
It is the Holy Spirit that reveals the principles of godly living to us. He continually advises us on how to live purposefully.
- Financier/Investor
Before Wall Street, we had the I AM, bankrolling projects across the world. We had a God who deeply invested in mankind and this earth.
To Isaac, he was the God that made him dig flowing wells in the desert. To the Israelites, God provided manna, and all the resources required for the building of the tabernacle. The amazing and humbling fact is that God also uses us in this way, He allows us to partner with him, blessing us so that we may be a blessing to others.
God is also a philanthropist because he gives without sorrow or interest.
- Winemaker
At the now-famous wedding at Cana, we see Jesus turn water to wine. He did this without even using grapes, making him the greatest winemaker the world has ever known. See John 2:1-11
- Doctor
God is close to broken-hearted, he binds up their wounds and heals them. (Psalm 147:3 paraphrased).
Jesus would often tell the people that he was there for the sick, for the lost and the broken:
“When Jesus heard this, he said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.”
Matthew 9:12
- Cleaner/Servant
Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and dried it with his tunic. At that time in Jewish culture, it was usually the lowest servant who would be required to do this, but our Lord, the creator of the universe did it and encouraged us to serve others, no matter how lowly. See John 13
Jesus distributed food in the feeding of the five thousand.
I believe the essence of these references is that we realize that no job can ever be too lowly for us so long as it is what God wants us to do.
Humility requires that we are not puffed up or believe we are too good for the work.
- Guide
When you think about a guide, you may be thinking about tour guides at museums or new cities, but there is more to this. There are guides for the blind and infirm, guides for companies and organizations. The guide is usually one who explains the way things are done, the one who shows us around and answers questions about the new place or the new experiences.
God is our eternal guide.
Jesus told the disciples that he will send them a guide(the Holy Spirit), who will guide them into all truth. John 14:16-17
- Negotiator and War Strategist
When Moses was required to meet with Pharaoh, it was God who told him what to say. God led the negotiations between Israel and Egypt. Furthermore, for most of the wars and battles Israel fought, it was God who provided the strategy and the way to win.
Today, God provides, in his word, strategy for us to win the spiritual warfare we face.
We are to:
“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all the strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6: 11-12
Allow God Work through You
Isn’t it incredible to see that we cannot fit God into a box?
That he is:
Omnipresent (all-seeing)
Omniscient (all-knowing)
Omnipotent (all-powerful)
Before the earth was created, He was and is and is to come.
He singlehandedly did all these incredible jobs and for each one there was a purpose and a reason.
You may be asking yourself: do I need to get God involved in my career? Should I ask God what I should do?
The simple answer is a resounding YES!
We need to go to God before we decide on our careers and what we want to do with our lives.
We can no longer limit God to churches, religious organizations, and charities. God is everywhere and he can use us as the light of the world and the salt of the earth, wherever we work.
In his mercy and grace, he has determined to use us, mankind, to actualize his purposes on earth.
Are you willing to let God use you even where you are?
Do you realize that as a writer, a nurse, a lawyer, an engineer, a teacher and all the many other things we do, that God can help you reflect him and work his way?
I pray you do.
Pray for strength to let go
Sis, I pray that our loving father will help you let go of the thing you are holding away from him. That you will let him into every area of your life.
Take time to lay all that you are before him: your career, your gifts, your skills, and your resources. Allow our Lord and Savior to take ownership as he rightly should. You can read this post on how to use my gifts for God’s glory.
I will leave you with this stirring quote from Major Ian Thomas:
“The Christian life can be explained only in terms of Jesus Christ, and if your life as a Christian can still be explained in terms of you – your personality, your willpower, your gift, your talent, your money, your courage, your scholarship, your dedication, your sacrifice, or your anything – then although you may have the Christian life, you are not living it.”
Major Ian Thomas
‘Never forget that Christianity is not about what you can do for God but what he wants to do in and through you.’
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