Dear one,
I know you see them; the couples, the newlyweds, all those who seem to be in love and have it all.
You see the beauty around you and wonder why your life is different. Why you are all alone and why no one sees you or wants you?
In those moments, it’s easy to think you don’t matter.
After all, you have been working at your office for 2years now and none of the guys have asked you out. Not even the ones you would have turned down.
You spend most weekends indoors; moping around, eating too much and wandering through social media profiles, lost in a world that is not yours.
Why me, you ask, why is my case always different?!
You wonder why they don’t see you.
Why you are “easily forgotten” even amongst your friends and family? They don’t always remember to check in or invite you out.
These thoughts haunt you and remind you of all you’re not.
But, is this true?!
Are you alone and unwanted?
These thoughts may have been amplified by hurtful experiences and struggles to find meaning to our lives.
Sis, have you ever wondered why you feel alone and unloved?
Have you ever wondered why no one checks in on you?
I ask because I was in your shoes. I believed that I did not matter.
I believed that people didn’t want me around.
I allowed my childhood insecurities cloud my judgment.
The fear of rejection stopped me from truly living. I was quick to jump to conclusions and would flee at the slightest issue.
I believed I was all I had but that was a lie, a lie that held me back.
I need you to know that you are not alone, unloved or forgotten.
You have the most important person by your side.
The one who says he will never leave nor forsake you. He is the one who must always be your first and your last.
If you’re like I was then, you may agree that God can help you but you may also believe that God is not there physically and you would be right.
But, God is the only one that will always be there.
Even when you are in the bathroom, he’s there. Even while sleeping, he’s there. Think about it: a husband or friend will not always be there, they will have to live their lives and be independent of you.
Don’t let the lies of the devil dissuade you.
Don’t let him confuse you or distract you.
When I look at you, I see sadness, you look lost and unhappy and it is clear the evil one has been at work.
He has been sowing seeds of shame and negativity.
Telling you that you are nothing and no one wants you.
This is what he has been doing since the beginning of time. He did it to me, he will do it to others. But I need you to know there is no atom of truth to what he says.
You matter to God and that’s all that counts. Your life is too precious to be wasted. To be forgotten or misused.
Jesus reminds us that the ‘thief comes to kill, to steal and to destroy but he comes to give us live to the full’ and this is the truth you have to hold on to. (see John 10:10)
Six Things for the girl who feels unloved and forgotten
In those moments of fear and shame, those moments when you feel so alone and unloved, I need you to remember these six things:
Speak to God. Let him know how you feel, tell him your fears of not having people around you, your fears that you will cling to those who come near and scare them away.
Remember that your identity is in Christ, not the world.
You are a daughter of the Most-High God. He created you for His purpose and pleasure. You are unique, one of a kind and have been given gifts and abilities to help you live out God’s purpose for your life.
Spend time in God’s word
God has said so many beautiful things about you and you must go back to his word to encourage your heart and build up your strength. Here are a few scriptures for you:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5
Be friendly
Make time for others. Stop trying to figure everything out, you will only wear yourself out and make yourself sad. Friendship is a two-way street, be good to others, help where you can. Move from a ‘me mindset’ to a ‘we mindset’.
Trust that God will give you all you need
Remember that it is God who gives good gifts to his children, trust him to give you all that you need right on time. Focus on God and be patient. Even when you faith wavers, hold on strong and allow him to do incredible things in your life, as only he can.
“Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
Proverbs 37.4
Stop stalling, live your life now.
You have just one life one opportunity on earth. Make it count!
“Be very careful, then, how you live–not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”
Ephesians 5:15-16
Sis, never forget that you are truly loved by God. He is working things out for your good but needs you to trust him and hold on. This is one of the hardest parts of living our Christian lives but it is always worth it.
Can’t wait to see you bloom.
With lots of love,
Please read these posts for more encouragement:
- God knows what you’re going through
- Prayer tips for the woman who longs to pray
- A single woman’s prayer
thank you for this very inspiring words. its all i need right now when my world seems too sad and everything feels like falling down. im crying now. not tears of sadness but of joy that its as if God was talkin to me while im reading this. thank you. more powers and continue inspiring others 🙂
Hello Carmela, it’s so good to hear from you and to know that this post helped. May God continue to fill your heart with his joy and peace. You are truly loved, Sis.
I sit here in the darkness of my room crying because of so many emotions going through me. You have NO idea how much your words have helped me. I have struggled so much for so long feeling worthless and unlovable, always pushing past the “trust God” quotes even though I know that’s what I need to do. Your words have had such an impact on me tonight and I’m forever grateful.
Hello Megan, thank you so much for sharing this with me. I’m so glad to know this post helped you. I pray you continue to dwell in the loving bosom of our father. Megan, God loves you so much and he is right there with you. No matter how hard things get, I pray you don’t give up, Sis.
This was so helpful thank you, i am sitting in my room crying tears of saddness and joy. I have been felling so alone lately, im single i only have a few friends and I have never had someone else like me. Im not gonna say my age but im not an adult yet, and i feel more alone than anyone understands. Please pray for me.
Thank you.
Thanks for reaching out, Savannah. May God comfort your heart and may you find joy in life’s moments. Remember that you are dearly loved.
Thank you so much
It was so inspirational
We Always have to believe in God
And thank you again
Thank you so much, Emna. Good to know you found it useful.
Woow… What I needed to hear this morning. This is so perfect . Thank you writer. Please be blessed.
So glad to hear this, Hilary. May God forever fill your heart with his love. ❤️
I always think that being single is my “karma”… But I am.delighted to have read this article ❤ the question is…should I still pray and wait for him?
It’s 2 am and I have been feeling these feelings of sadness and despair. I laid here and sobbed because my contentment in my singleness has turned to loneliness, seemingly overnight. I turn 38 on the 28th and I feel stuck because I’m divorced and I long to be married and to be a mother but I feel like my click is ticking. This post reminded me that even in my singleness, God is still good. Even in my loneliness, I am not alone. Thank you for your post. It was much needed this morning. Blessings to you.
Thank you for this article 🙂
The only thing I’m curious about is when you do try to reach out to others when single.I have to admit all that I am able to focus on is serving the people I see at work every weekday. I’m working for these people even when I don’t see them on weekends. When I try to hang out with friends, plans constantly get canceled with “I can’t, my husband says x, y, z” or “Sorry, I have a date” and we already made plans in advance? What if you try to connect, but you hardly can? Significant others and spouses take precedence, and at this point in my age nearly each Christian person has been married for some time now, or are well on their way out of singleness. Sorry, I don’t mean to be argumentative, I just wonder about when as a single person you are putting in the effort without any connection on the other side?
Thank you so much for these words. Was just scrolling through the internet and bumped into your blog. I’ve been in a very dark place lately. But this is encouraging
Hello Amaka, I’m glad you found the post helpful. I pray you remember you’re not alone in this. Do reach out if you’d like to talk. ?