Do you secretly want a perfect life? Are you usually lost in daydreams where everything seems to work out and falls into place with the littlest effort? If you’re anything like me then you probably have and still do. Don’t worry, it will be our little secret (well, God knows but that’s okay).
So, how do these dreams usually play out – do they center around your health, wealth, family, relationships or all of the above? Probably all.
While I wish I could encourage these daydreams, I need you to spend more time in the real world and your real life. The imperfect, trying-to-make-things work life. That is the real deal and we only get one chance at it. I say these things to remind us of how easy it is to spend time on the impossibilities while leaving out the opportunities. We may believe we are helpless and can do nothing to change our circumstances, and end up acting as victims of circumstance rather than victors.
“But thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Corinthians 15:57
We were made for more and need to walk in this truth. It also means we have to take full reins of our lives and not leave it to circumstances to dictate how we act or react.
Taking control means gaining the power or knowledge to guide and manage our lives. It is the distinguishing factor of one who chooses to live purposefully.
God did not create us just to live but to live more abundantly – John 10:10, understanding what we need to do and when to do it.
“Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Here are four ways to take control of your life
These four areas are critical in pursuit of a more intentional and meaningful life. I hope you find these useful.
Be humble
Are you easily offended, with a prickly skin and heightened senses?
Are you quick to correct others, to show why you’re better, prettier, healthier and all the other –iers?
Do you find it hard to let things go? Quick to recount issues and conflicts?
Do you love being right and willing to spend the whole day(or year) arguing your point?
Do you always feel the need to be recognized, celebrated and remembered?
Are you more concerned with what people will say? Do you often do things to impress others?
Are you afraid of failing or even telling others about your failures?
Do you give credit where it’s due or like to hug the limelight?
That’s quite a list and for good reason, humility is an important ingredient to living a full life but also difficult, in practice. It is our ability to be free from pride and arrogance, two things we humans have in spades. It’s definitely easier to be arrogant than it is to be humble. Many times, our pride is subtle, without our knowledge or consent, which means we need to be intentional about walking in humility.
There is a popular saying that “your attitude is everything‘ and this is very true. Our character has a huge impact on what we do and how we are perceived. Do you struggle with pride? Before you answer, take a few minutes to ask yourself some questions. You can answer the ones I stated above and a few others.
We need to be honest about this so we can work on it. There is also false humility, which I talked about in this post. I started this piece with being humble since we need to get this right before we can do the other things effectively.
The Bible is filled with powerful references to pride and humility. King Saul was one of those that fell on their wayside because of their pride and ego. There are many verses admonishing us to choose humility and flee from pride. Words that potend the destruction that awaits one who is full of pride.
“The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: they will not go unpunished.”
Proverbs 16:5
“When pride comes then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”
Proverbs 11:2
“That is why the scripture says, God opposes the proud but gives favor to the humble.”
James 4:6
These are few of many reasons to choose humility. It is better for our lives today and our soul in eternity.
Be decisive
Taking control of our lives means realizing that the choice lies with us. It is up to us to do or not do. We are not only responsible for our lives but for our actions or inactions.
“Let your yes be yes and your no, no”. for whatever is more than this is from the evil one.” Matthew 5:37
This means being able to say no and meaning and the same goes for saying yes and meaning it. Here is a post where I share more about how we can learn to take responsibility for our actions rather than blame others.
Taking responsibility = learning from mistakes.
It takes a lot of courage to own up to things we’ve done or should have done but it is always the right thing to do.
We also need to learn to say no, if you’re anything like me then you’ve struggled in this area. There are so many reasons why we find it difficult to say ‘no’ or easier to say ‘yes’. We say yes when we don’t want to disappoint the other person though it will usually mean taking on more than we can handle.
Another interesting reason is pride, we want to believe and need others to believe in our capabilities. I often refer to this as our “super-hero complex“, are you the daughter everyone relies on, the sister, colleague, friend who is everything to everyone? This is not sustainable and will only lead to disrespect and burnout. It’s okay to say no to the wrong things and yes to the things that matter.
“I encourage people to remember that “No” is a complete sentence”.
Gavin De Becker
For more tips on saying no and a FREE checklist on what to say and when to say it, check out this post.
Plan purposefully
Have you ever wondered about the sort of things you want to do or accomplish? Have you ever considered the ‘p’ word – purpose? Hope so. Planning is all about making sense of who we are and who we want to be. It’s about connecting the dots from dreams to reality. It could be long term, short term or medium term. All that matters is that there is some coherent structure to the way we choose to live our lives.
An important part of planning is that it is written down, yes, we have to record the things we hope to do. It is not enough to think about it. Even if you have the best memory in the world, it will still fail you so write it down.
“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.”
Habakkuk 2:2
Writing it down is also a way to process your thoughts and to prioritize.
If you want to plan but don’t know how to go about it, you could start by making a simple list. I call this the life plan list – start with the things you want to do and achieve (no need to specific time frame), in the next list consider what you would need to achieve the things in the first list and finally set a time frame for these tasks, be realistic. You will probably realise that some of them will fall into the short, mid and long-term horizons and that’s okay.
Don’t be in a hurry, it’s better to plan well and finish well. There are quite a few life planners out there, you can check out the Living Well Planner(affiliate link*) by Ruth Soukup, this is one of the most comprehensive planners out there, it works as a yearly planner (not dated) and also includes spaces for noting longer term plans. This is a great addition and it’s currently on sale, you can order it here.
Taking control of our lives means that we don’t just sit and wait for things to happen but ‘act’! We need to take real steps to actualise our plans.
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do.”
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Author
Change is an expected constant in our lives and there may never be a better time to do the things we need to do. The stars will not align, and you may have to hold back for a long while if you’re waiting to have enough money, time, a husband, children, love, family and all the others things we use as excuses and reasons to stall.
Another setback is procrastination is a common and powerful set back, it is usually our way of avoiding the very things we should be doing
Are you watching yet another episode of Friends rather than write, read or do some other work? Caught up in the Instagram rabbit hole where a 10-minute “innocent” browse turns to hours devouring pictures of your friends and all those lovely people you admire. Don’t worry you’re not alone. While it’s quite normal to procrastinate we also have to agree that it hampers our progress. You can set timelines that make room for work and play. You know yourself best, you can use your planner to set these timelines.
A more ominous problem is self-sabotage, the elder and more dangerous sibling to procrastination.
Self-sabotage is usually a deliberate act to destroy or hamper our growth. It may mean not attending an interview you had spent months praying for, eating even more junk than usual when you’re trying to lose weight, signing up for paid online class but never attending. There are so many ways in which we work against our dreams and goals. I hope to write more on this subject as I’ve seen how detrimental it is to our progress.
A quick way to overcome this issue is to focus on the little tasks rather than the big picture(which could be overwhelming), break your tasks down and do them bit by bit. It will certainly add up in no time and you can build momentum this way as self-sabotage is often fueled by fear – fear of not being good enough, of success and of change.
Never forget the God factor
While the above steps are integral to living a more intentional and purposeful life, they are nothing and will be useless without God. Our lives should be so firmly rooted in God that everything we seek to do is subject to his will and expectations for us. I know this is easier said than done but he has helped us out by providing his word as a guide and reminding us to seek him in prayer.
Dear friend, it is absolutely necessary that we learn to take control of our lives especially as our world leans deeper into divisions, intolerance and bias. People will look for reasons to distinguish themselves from others and where we don’t know or understand our selves and the things that matter to us, we may find that we follow the pack, doing what the majority are doing or feeling the pressure to conform.
Thankfully, we know that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
He has not called us to conform to the pattern of this world but to continually renew our minds to the things that are of him so we are able to live purposefully and to also flourish.
Whatever you do, cling tightly to the word of God and his everlasting love knowing that it is only through him that you can achieve all that you’ve dreamed. He alone has the strength to empower you to take control of your life.
*I may receive a commission should you purchase the product through this link at no extra cost to you.
great read 🙂
Thank you, Bronwyn.
Great post, the way dreams come true.
Thank you, Rebecca.
Love this Chioma!! Jesus doesn’t just give us life, but life more abundantly!! I like how you broke each point down and the Spirit gave you quite a few examples for each!! Blessings to you! Thanks for writing this and sharing! ❤
Thanks a lot, Donna. Really appreciate your kind words.
Great list! I think being decisive is often overlooked, people not recognizing the power of this trait. Too often we waiver back and forth, delay decisions, because of fear of making the wrong one. And before you know it, the opportunity has passed. Lack of decisiveness has made the decision for us. Thanks for these great reminders.
Thank you so much, Jamie. I absolutely agree, being indecisive is also a decision and not the best kind.
Yes. This will be a post I need to read more than once. Very good advice.
For me the last point is very important. I have a sticky on my computer to remind me to pray about any major communication or decision. This is a helpful post with practical tips. Thank you. I will pin it