What would you consider to be the productivity tips for Christian women? Would you list the usuals or should it be any different from all the other productivity hacks out there? Probably.
Productivity happens to be one of my favourite words. Coming from a place of procrastination and distractions, I am always quick to read resources about increasing my productivity and managing my time better.
Do you know what I’ve found? I still have many days of near misses (these are days where I barely accomplish the things I planned to do).
I finally realised that I was missing out on something crucial, the generic advice though helpful, didn’t really address my situation as a Christian woman. For me, I wanted to grow as a person without compromising my Christian values.
So, I’ve decided to write something for all those ladies who are like me and want something more attuned to their situation. These are specific productivity tips for every Christian Woman.
Here are 5 productivity tips for every Christian woman
Give your day to God
I believe this should be the first thing you do. Not exercise or work but to give your day to God. I have realised that when I start my day with prayers and morning devotion (this could be reading the word, listening to praise and worship songs or dancing to his glory), I’m fortified for what the world throws at me.
Starting the day with God, helps us commune with him, draw strength from his word and gives us the chance to put on the armour of God so as to defend ourselves against the fiery darts of the enemy. Ephesians 6: 10-18
List the three most important things you wish to achieve each day
I seem to like the number three. But it’s more for brevity. Where we list more items, it may be harder to get it done and really, some things are clearly more important than others.
So, prioritise your list and choose three of the most important things you will like to achieve that day. This helps you narrow your list to the critical things. You will likely achieve more than these, which would also be great.
Eat a healthy/fortified breakfast or fast
Are we all agreed that breakfast is important? As a former foodie, I know and appreciate the importance of food but I also know that as Christians, you may wish to fast on some days or deny yourself certain types of foods.
You have the choice to fast or eat. Eating replenishes your energy levels and can help promote brain activity. While fasting replenishes your spiritual energy and gives you an opportunity to focus on God.
Here are other reasons to Fast:
- It strengthens your self-control and resolve
- It teaches contentment as it moves our focus from food and hunger
- It is a form of sacrifice
Speak your affirmations
What are affirmations? According to Kathryn J. Lively PhD, affirmations are statements used to reprogram the subconscious mind, to encourage us to believe certain things about who ourselves, the world and who we want to be.
This is not just faith but science too. When we feel good about ourselves, this tends to change our perspective, our attitude, and also pushes our brains to form more “positive thought” neurones.
So, speak your truth!
What are those things you believe and want to see in your life? To make it more effective, write them out and use them in the first person. For instance, here is one affirmation I use when I’m feeling lost and fatherless:
“I am a living, breathing child of God. I have been made royalty. A daughter of a faithful King and a prophet of the Most-High”. (Bible reference 1 Peter 2:9)
Here’s another one I use, when I’m overwhelmed by all I have to get done:
“I know that I can do everything I have set my mind to because of the strength of the Lord Jesus within me.” (Bible reference Phil 4:13).
Take a few minutes (or hours) and write out your affirmations. I also have 10 affirmations you can use today. You can SIGN UP HERE to receive these.
Distractions are the Achilles’ heel of having a productive day. On any given day, there are always a lot of things we believe we should be doing but never get to do because of the other million things that suck our attention.
According to Daniel Goleman, we can learn to exercise “executive control” of our attention which helps us stay focused and screen out distractions.
This could be increased by taking tasks one at a time and avoiding multitasking. My dear friend, don’t buy into the stereotype that women are better at multi-tasking. If you do, you might find yourself getting less done.
Some techniques you can use include switching off your phone or internet data, only reading and responding to emails at certain times, going on periodic breaks and timing each activity.
One more?
There are a few other things you can do including to exercise. I didn’t add this as a daily habit because I don’t think it needs to be. There should be a conscious effort to exercise as many times as you are able. This is more of a personal thing and depends on the individual. You are best suited to determine what your body needs especially if there are any health issues.
I exercise one –two times a week, and this has worked well for me.
In Closing
I have listed five of the major productivity tips for every Christian woman. These tips will not only help you accomplish a lot and but will lead to a more fulfilling day. To ensure consistency, we have to manage our time well, which I believe is an integral part of having a productive day. This requires that we exercise control over the time we have allocated to our specific activities and stick to it.
Hope you’ve found these tips useful. Do you have any other productivity tips for every Christian woman? Please share.
I love these tips. After months of trying, my first reaction when I wake up (and stop hitting snooze) is to do a morning offering. Sometimes, I’ll do one from here: http://www.apostleshipofprayer.org/daily-offering-prayers/, but other times, I’ll just do a short prayer along the lines of telling God I desire to do all things through Him and for Him.
Thank you so much, Kate. I love the idea of a morning offering. I believe God just wants us to spend time with him in whatever form it may be 🙂
Wonderful post Chioma! I really love the idea of setting just three things each day to accomplish. It makes the day seem less overwhelming and more manageable, while still leaving room for other tasks to get done. Thank you much for sharing your knowledge!
Thank you so much, Erika. It is more manageable when we narrow down our focus. Which usually means we get to do such tasks well and on time.
I’m on a quest to be more productive on my days off. Thanks for the tips!
Thanks, Meagan. All the best on your quest for more productive days.
I love #1 – give my day to God. He knows what I need to accomplish. If I have interruptions then, I can call them “God interruptions”, especially when my kids were young! I also love lists! That helps keep me on track. So, as I ask God what to do today, listen quietly and then write it on my list!
Thanks, Melissa. #1 is really the most important thing to do each day. But God is really merciful so even on days we forget or rush through, he is still there for us.
These are some great tips! I absolutely Love affirmations. How often I forget to do some of these things and even when giving my day to God, I somehow tend to take some of it back. Working on it…
Thanks a lot, Natasha. I’m guilty of that too. It really helps to focus on what matters, God. All the best as you deepen your relationship with God
This is a great post. I’m going to work athe more consistent with my morning offering.
I think the “top 3 things a day” one is a good place for me to start. I completely agree that starting off the day with God is important. I can feel the difference when I don’t. He just puts my mind in the right place and helps me to create the best priorities for the day.
Hi Shana, I totally agree. There is always a difference when we start the day spending time with God. He gives us strength to be able to handle the issues that come our way. We are not left floundering.
What a wonderful list! I love that you included fasting! This is a lost discipline, but so beneficial to a spiritually victorious life!
Thanks a lot, Esther.
I love this! I love your energy and enthusiasm and how it comes out in writing. Not only did you give nontraditional examples but you make me want to be your friend. I am definitely going to apply these this week.
All 5 of these are great tips to make a habit of implementing in my life. I love how you express and gave detailed examples of how to do each one. Thanks for this post!
I love this post and love your energy. I am learning to actually slow down and only concentrate on what God wants me to do. I am so productive minded, but I only want to put energy into what is eternally productive in the years coming up. Blessings … ❤
Great tips! They all seem to have the theme of making God our focus, which I love. With Him we can do all things! To help me be more productive, effective, and involved in my prayer time I have a powerful prayer outline I use. You can sign up for the free download if you subscribe at my blog if you wish! (Not trying to be salesy here, but thought I’d share in case you’re interested). Thanks again for the great post!
I absolutely love that you put give your day to God first! you never know what the day will bring even if we plan it out but with him he helps us choose how to react to the daily surprises.