You have probably heard the popular scripture that life and death are the power of the tongue, and you can probably testify to the truth of these words. What we say and how we say it matters. If you delved deeper, you would also realize that the mind is the real battleground. It is where everything starts before it crescendos… Read More
Three steps to a better year
There are a few known facts about the new year; it’s a time when we are usually filled with optimism, on our best behavior, or hope to be. But more than that, it’s a time when we are inundated with tips on setting resolutions, crushing goals, choosing our words for the year, and even living our dreams (or what we… Read More
10 things to do when you can’t focus
Quick ideas to increase your focus Have you had moments where you were so distracted that nothing got done? Perhaps, these were moments where you were struggling to focus on work, staring blindly at your blinking cursor yet unable to do anything. You may have even succumbed to the shiny pull of social media or games on your phone. I know I… Read More
Three ways to simplify your life
What is holding you back from living your best life? Go ahead, I’m waiting… Just the other day, during one of my introspective moments, I realized that there are three things that often hold us back: 1. Fear 2. Regret 3. Expectations These things are like talons that pierce our desires and happiness, and keep us locked to the past and… Read More
16 things you ought to know before you turn 30
Advice for the girl about to turn 30 As someone who is now well over thirty, I am excited to see younger ladies looking forward to this milestone. It’s almost like some rite of passage, and I think it behooves us the older ones to help them along the way, right? ? Without further ado, here are sixteen tips and… Read More
Two Life-changing skills for Young Christian Women
If you’re anything like me, then you’ve probably heard a lot about how you should live your life as a Christian woman. This is particularly true if you’re a single woman. One major piece of advice is to make the most of this season of our lives, and I couldn’t agree more. Recently, I sensed that one chapter of my… Read More
Five ways to thrive this Holiday Season
How to manage your money and time this Christmas Are you looking for ways to manage your time and resources this Christmas? Perhaps, you have been trying to figure out how to focus on the relevant things, while also having fun this holiday. If so, then you’re in the right place. As you can imagine, the holiday season is upon us,… Read More
Productivity for women: the three-minute productivity rule
How to be more productive: The Three-minute productivity rule for Christian women I promise I am not obsessed with productivity unless you call having a YouTube playlist of productivity videos obsessive. But I believe being able to manage our time and resources is such a key part of our Christian lives. And so, I am continually open to trying… Read More
Outcome dependence: Are you focused on the result or your effort?
Would you say that your efforts always translate to the result you get? Let’s say you have a bunch of tests coming up, three over the next three weeks. For the first week, you read for 5hours before the test and get a B. So, you think if you spent 7-8hours each on the next two that should net you… Read More