How who you know affects the trajectory of your life There is this popular idea in Nigeria that you can only progress past a point based on who you know. This thinking is so ingrained that there are those who believe they cannot achieve much if they do not know influential people. More so, there is the inverse thinking that… Read More
Five Learning Resources for Christian Creatives
These past few weeks we have been looking at the life of a Christian creative. In the first post, I shared 10 scriptures to propel your creative life and in the second one, we considered three things that stifle our progress. If you haven’t already, do check out those two posts before you read this, as I believe they set… Read More
Three things that hinder creativity
Three things that hinder your God-given abilities We live in an incredible time in history. A time where our ability to create is amplified by the plethora of resources at our fingertips. Yet, there are many stories of the imbalance between what people want to do and what they actually do. You can probably relate. Many Christians have struggled in… Read More
10 Bible Verses that inspire Creativity
Bible Verses that encourage a creative lifestyle Our God is a creative God. This was one of the first attributes of God revealed in the Bible. The book of Genesis starts off by showcasing God’s creative prowess which is second to none. And then, God did something incredible – He created humans in his image and likeness… basically, he created… Read More
Seven Lessons for Christian Creatives and Bloggers
Lessons for Christian Bloggers When I started this blog in 2017, it felt like a new and exciting adventure. While I had to push the start date back a few months due to a family loss, I was nonetheless hopeful of all that God was going to do in and through me. But things didn’t go as I had expected…. Read More
How do you handle negative feedback?
How should we deal with criticism and feedback? Are we all agreed that receiving feedback is one of the most nerve-wracking experiences? It hits you at your most vulnerable point, even worse when it’s far from complimentary. Like most humans, we are likely to focus on the one negative feedback than the ninety-nine positives. Just the other day, a friend… Read More
10 Instagram Accounts to follow in 2023
10 IG Accounts to follow as a single Christian woman My newsletter family will recall that I was off Instagram for a while. I left IG in 2019 and re-joined in mid-2022. I must confess that I was a bit worried about what I would find and the potential distractions/comparison trap when I re-joined. As I feared, the same issues… Read More
My Top Five Books from 2022
It’s a new year and a great time to take stock of my reading journey. Interestingly, I read the least number of books in 2022 compared to the past 4 years. Here’s a breakdown. 2019 – 100 books 2020 – 96 books 2021 – 93 books 2022 – 51 books You would have noticed the steep decline this year compared… Read More
10 Thought-provoking Quotes about the Mind
You have probably heard the popular scripture that life and death are the power of the tongue, and you can probably testify to the truth of these words. What we say and how we say it matters. If you delved deeper, you would also realize that the mind is the real battleground. It is where everything starts before it crescendos… Read More
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