A life surrendered to God is often like nothing you could ever plan or imagine. This is one of the certainties of life. Here is my story. Before the Quake In mid-2016, the Lord led me to leave full-time employment and follow him. At the time, I was working in a boutique investment firm. Life was good money-wise, but I… Read More
Ten Most Popular Blog Posts of 2022
TOP 10 MOST-READ BLOG POSTS IN 2022 As we close out another year, it is always interesting to examine the posts that readers were particularly drawn to, and the posts that had the largest readership. This year, we had some of the all-time favorites on the list and a few new articles. So here are the top 10 most-read posts… Read More
God’s love letter to His daughters
It could have been like any other day, but it wasn’t. This one was different. For one thing, it happened on the 29th of February 2020(a leap year). Secondly, we were at a friend’s retreat event on the outskirts of Lagos. Looking back, I could see that it was a special moment. During one of the prayer sessions that day,… Read More
Four reasons we fail to live according to God’s plan
First things first: do you believe you are living the life God planned for you? If you’re anything like me then you’re quick to quote Jeremiah 29:11, a beloved scripture that reminds us that God has a future and a plan for his children. But do we actively seek to know and live this plan? Not always… I can’t count… Read More
Three ways to simplify your life
What is holding you back from living your best life? Go ahead, I’m waiting… Just the other day, during one of my introspective moments, I realized that there are three things that often hold us back: 1. Fear 2. Regret 3. Expectations These things are like talons that pierce our desires and happiness, and keep us locked to the past and… Read More
Five ways to thrive this Holiday Season
How to manage your money and time this Christmas Are you looking for ways to manage your time and resources this Christmas? Perhaps, you have been trying to figure out how to focus on the relevant things, while also having fun this holiday. If so, then you’re in the right place. As you can imagine, the holiday season is upon us,… Read More
Three ways we treat God like a genie
Why do we treat God like a genie? One of my favorite Disney movies while growing up was Aladdin – with a slew of timeless songs, the sweet romance between Aladdin and Jasmine, and the indefatigable genie, whose larger-than-life personality was aptly played by the late Robin Williams – the movie was the right mix of entertaining and aspirational. And… Read More
How to Experience Joy Every Day
How to find joy in life’s little moments Joy seems to be one of the most elusive of life experiences. We often long for it, even though we do not really know what it is. If you were asked to describe or define joy, what would you call it – would you say it is happiness, contentment, peace, amongst other… Read More
What I didn’t know about modesty
I believe this will be a quick one: What usually comes to mind when you hear the word modesty? Do you expect to receive the rules or guidelines of what is the expected or acceptable mode of Christian dressing, essentially, what is right? Perhaps, these are heavy words to describe how we should look; yet it is important, it so… Read More