I turned 34 this month, which officially means I’m now in my mid-thirties. It feels like just yesterday that I celebrated my 30th birthday but then again so much has happened in the last four years that I’m better off calling it a lifetime ago. You may be wondering why I mentioned my age, and my reason is simple; I… Read More
What kind of woman are you?
“Who do you want to be when you grow up?” The age old question many of us were asked and are still asked. How did you answer then and how would you answer now? Then, it was probably about wanting to be a doctor, a lawyer, teacher, pilot and a host of many other things. But this wasn’t the full… Read More
20 Life-changing Quotes for Young Women
“You were born with the ability to change someone’s life, don’t waste it.” Dale Patridge Have you ever heard a statement that resonated so much with you that your mind kept going back to it long after you heard it? You probably have. Words that seem to flow past your defenses, your reservations, and your walls, and hit you… Read More
When it feels like God has favorites and you’re not one of them
Have you secretly asked yourself if God has favorites? Are there times when it feels like God has favorites and you are not one of them? Perhaps, you feel that there must be a host of people God loves much more than you? I know I did! For years, it felt like the world was against me. It just felt… Read More
How to use my gifts for God’s glory
Have you ever considered what it means to give God your all: your desires, your finances, gift, skills, resources and everything you have? Do you often ask yourself what would be the best way to manage every aspect of your life? Perhaps you have asked yourself these questions or heard others ask. One thing is certain though, God created each of us for a purpose and he would… Read More
Four inspiring steps to overcome your struggles
I could feel it, the quick beat against the walls of my chest, fast and steady like the traditional drums of my people. At pace with my heart was my breath, in short, and impatient bursts. I knew what was coming; I had memorized the sound, the sound that had my eyes looking everywhere but at my phone. At the… Read More
My Marriage Vows to God
Guest post by Desiree Moore My girlfriends gave me the look. Every girl knows this look quite well. It’s the raised right eyebrow, with a slight grin on the face. And don’t forget the famous discreet slow head nod. If you are up on your girl code you know this means either one of two things. Your friend is saying,… Read More
Seven Scriptures to help you pray for God’s direction
When I’m amongst other Christians or in church circles, the most common prayer points are usually from people seeking prayers for God’s direction and wisdom. This makes sense since prayers for direction permeate every aspect of our lives. We need God’s help to know what to do, per time and the right decisions to make. But these sorts of prayers… Read More
Building Friendships: Four Qualities of a Kind friend
Have you ever struggled in your friendships, ever tried to figure out how to grow strong friendships and nurture your adult friendships? You probably have. We are often bombarded with pictures and movies that depict incredible friendships, and they make it seem easy but one thing you may have found is that friendships are not easy and great friends are… Read More
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