When you think about your heart what comes to mind?
Perhaps, like me, you think about your soul, love life, and the things that make you tick.
In this season and for the next few months, we will be talking about these areas, particularly about building godly relationships and kingdom marriages.
I believe it is time to reframe and refocus our hearts and minds on God’s design for marriage.
For too long, the world’s dictates and standards have seeped into the church and into our hearts, clouding our minds on what these areas should look like. We will also learn from Christian women in godly marriages over the next few weeks.
I am excited about sharing these stories and learnings with you and hope you will join me on this journey for it is a privilege to learn the ways of our father.
But first, it starts with trusting God with your heart.
Do you trust God with your future marriage?
Many times, we say we trust God to:
- Show us who he wants us to be with;
- Reveal his plans for our marriage and motherhood.
- Do so at His divine time.
We say these things, but our actions often belie this.
We are soon anxious when another month or year passes by without our mate. We dissect the desirableness of every man we meet and often subject them to our inner husband-material test.
We fluctuate between periods of anguish at being single and indifference, depending on how frustrated we are with our lot.
Can you relate?
And then, there are those moments when we hear testimonies or exhortations that remind us that God is still in the business of doing the miraculous in the lives of those who put their trust in him.
In such moments, we once again surrender our will, our fears, and our worries to Him.
We rededicate this area of our lives to him knowing that he can do more than we can ask or imagine.
More so, we experience the abundant peace that comes with surrender. The peace that lifts off the heavy burdens leaves us light as a feather.
But when we leave this atmosphere or moments, we are soon bombarded by “life”.
Have you ever asked why you can’t be peaceful all the time? Why we can’t be the types of women who trust God with their love lives?
The ones who are not looking to find their husbands in their own strength but are leaning on the wisdom and goodness of God.
I have also asked these questions. And the short answer is that we forget. We forget certain truths and realities of the Christian life. We forget that:
- Marriage was designed by God for His purpose and pleasure. It goes beyond our own desires to God’s ultimate will. Genesis 2:18
- Our marital destiny must be subjected to God’s divine direction and timing, not ours.
- Our sexual desires and urges can be handed to God for covering just as we give other areas of our lives to him.
- God’s plan for us is and will always be better than anything we envisage. Jeremiah 29:11
So, these are some integral truths we single women must understand, acknowledge, and remember.
When the evil one whispers fear and lies into our hearts, we need to counter these with the word and power of our Lord.
We need to speak the truth of God’s love over ourselves.
And guess what – we cannot grow weary in doing these things, for the devil will never relent from attacking God’s children. He has been attacking Christian relationships and marriages and it’s time we take back territory.
In the next post, I will share 10 scriptures to speak over yourself and over your love life.
Hi Chioma,I relate with this,sometimes I feel strong and taking control of the situation but at times I feel so low and wonder for how long shall this single life last,if it’s forever,do I have the courage?why do I feel so alone in a world full of people,when I open the door to my house only to be met by the emptiness of the room,It has never been easy,only God gives us courage to sail through.
Hi Essie. Thank you so much for sharing. You are right, it is only God who can full fill that void within us. Thank God he has promised to never leave nor forsake us. I am learning that we need to not only believe His words but practice it fully in such moments.
We will also be having a prayer event in a few weeks (via zoom), please sign up here.