What are the attributes of today’s Christian woman? Let’s consider these…
Do you ever think of your life and those things that define who you are? Such as your character or maybe, your attributes as a modern day Christian.
This will include your interactions with others, your belief system and even your fears. You will probably agree with the me that some of the concerns of today’s Christian woman are certainly different from the concerns of our mothers and all the amazing women in the past.
We are all living our unique and varied idea of womanhood. There are some places where our ideals and expectations collide but then again, whose yardstick should we use in determining our lives worth?
Should it be our experiences or in the God that allows these experiences?
While you’re thinking about your answer, I thought it would be great to share a few ways young women are trying to do more and live better in every sphere of our lives. We could call this an ode to today’s Christian woman.
That probably sounds corny but it’s the truth. In our own little way, we are trying to make a difference and live intentionally. This doesn’t mean things always go according to plan. It definitely doesn’t for me.
Here are a few snippets of the attributes of today’s Christian woman:
She is a woman after God’s own heart though she often forgets to commune with him.
She flourishes in her relationship with her maker and is not afraid to express herself(when she feels the time is right, which she pushes along as far as she can).
She knows she’s far from perfect, doesn’t have it all and probably will never do but is not afraid to ask for help.
She has failed more times than she can count but she continues to press on(after a lot of self-talk, prayer and good food).
She understands that as a woman she is no less than a man or should defer to societal expectations which are unfair or discriminatory (she understands but barely speaks it out)
Her heart is full as she seeks to love unconditionally. She may struggle in many ways but never gives up
Her nurturing instinct is on full alert, willing to help the children that come her way(well, more likely those that are really cute, respectful and ehmm…cute).
Is a darling aunt loving sister, respectful daughter, amazing mum and loyal friend (she is all of these things most of the time but has her moments).
knows that her job is more than a means to an end but rather seeks to build a career, a network and relationships(that’s usually the plan but life and fear may get in the way).
works hard, plays hard but prays harder(a great equation but she is quick to confess that she does the first two more).
lives by time-tested principles believing that with integrity, hard work and a great attitude, the skies are merely her ‘stepping stone'(Ehmm…this sounded nice when I thought of it but I’m not so sure now. What do you think?).
Chooses her battles wisely(but still meddles more than she should). Her passion clear for all to see(it really is and you wouldn’t even need glasses).
She says no to every kind of discrimination based on gender, sex, race, colour, marital status or finances.
Every day, she moves towards achieving her goals and plans. Thanking God and all the great women he used, to actualise the cause of women everywhere.
Her education is not restrained to the four walls of a school or to women friendly degrees. She strives for wisdom and understanding at all junctures of life.
Her motives?
She listens and understands and seldom speaks out of turn(that’s what she thinks but we both know better).
She does not accept the world’s standards on sex, promiscuity or nudity. Even when she does any of this(remember, she is far from perfect), she doesn’t let the guilt tie her down but asks for forgiveness.
She knows perfection and the super hero complex are unnecessary distractions in her bid to grow and be better (she’s no wonder woman).
In her left hand is the strength of a thousand women before and in her right, the courage for a thousand to come.
She is not sidetracked by pettiness, envy or excessive competition but celebrates the wins and accolades of her friends and fellow women (She pushes down the green eyed monster).
She believes in the need for a world at peace and understands that the war can only be fought on her knees and doing her little part to stand for what is right.
She remains committed to the ideals of the life after death and works each day not just for herself but for the many souls, lost and in need of reprieve.
She is a woman, endowed with innate resourcefulness, intuitive capabilities and unreserved forgiveness.
She is us, we are her.
A true Christian Woman
There you have it, the attributes of today’s Christian woman.
These are the many ways we get it right, almost right and flat out wrong. This really shows that life is a beautiful journey with its twists and turns and we have to continue to navigate its bends, curves and dead ends without giving up.
We have to keep living knowing fully well that God has enabled us, through his holy spirit to achieve great things.
Here are some of his words of strength and encouragement:
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.“ 2 Timothy 1:7
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
This was an awesome post! I think too often, we see these depictions of the modern Christian woman being perfect. Obviously, we should strive for perfection, but it is helpful to recognize that we are still God’s children despite the areas we fall short.
I totally agree with you, Kate. God loves us regardless of our mistakes and faults. He is truly awesome!
and every day she has confidence cos’ she knows that God’s got this!
Inspiring! Not perfect, but being molded slightly more like Jesus every day!
Wow this is great, just love the breadth of your descriptions ..and how human we are.. This is not just for young women because I’m still trying to get this right many years older than you! I love you young women though, you fuel me with desire to be the best person I can be with your energy, faith and devotion..Warm blessings!
Thank you so much for your kind words, Kathy. I do agree with you. It probably affects all women. We are all trying to be better and we need God every step of the way.
Chioma, This is so wonderful and heartfelt! Thank you for writing beautiful posts like this. I needed to hear ALL of what you said. Affirmation of one’s self is the best way to love, appreciate, understand and improve yourself. SElf-reflection is healthy as long as you attributed everything to our Creator and give your life to glorify Him.
I loved your post and totally agree that “life is a beautiful journey with twist and turns.” It is all depending on how we choose to live our lives in spite of those twist and turns. With God on our side, anything is possible! I know that I need him every second of every day to make it through 🙂
Great post Chioma. Wonderful description of what a Godly woman should be striving for even though it’s not always easy to accomplish. It is a high standard we’re aiming for.
Thanks for this!
I’m gonna share this!