Do you ever feel like the life of a single Christian woman is an unending roller coaster of expectations and unsolicited advice. A major part of this being the constant reminder to settle down.
We are usually caught in the web of trying to live our lives purposefully, as best as we know how, while also waiting on the Lord to do his will. Many times, the pressure and words we hear take a toll on us and may mean that we lose focus and veer off from the things that matter.
Is this the same for you?
Do you want to walk in God’s purpose for your life without succumbing to the world’s expectations and constant pressures?
If you’re anything like me then you long to focus on what God wants for you and to live an intentional and purpose-filled life.
If so, please read on.
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7 verses for the Strong & Confident Single Christian Woman
Here is a list of 7 powerful Bible verses to encourage and strengthen us in our path to living intentional and purposeful lives.
When you’re tired and overwhelmed
Are you handling too many responsibilities? You’re probably dealing with work, managing your home, car, bills and so many other things. And there are days when it feels like it’s all too much.
Do you also feel like people underestimate what you do and usually expect you to assist them without always offering similar assistance?
While I may not know your responsibilities or even understand what you’re going through, I want to assure you that I know someone who does.
He wants me to remind you that
“When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end”
Isaiah 43:2 (MSG)
When there’s so much pressure to get married
There are times when we are under so much pressure, from our family and friends, to get married. They tell us they mean well but this is followed by incessant questions and long looks, which seem to say otherwise. Sometimes, it may be from people that don’t even know us that well, maybe a member of your church, your colleagues or a neighbour.
At those moments, you may wonder if there’s something wrong with you and why you haven’t settled down like most of your friends and siblings.
I need you to remember God’s word for you. He says
“For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Dear friend, any time you feel the pressure, just remember that God’s got your back and he will sort you out in his own time.
When you are doubting your wholeness
As a single Christian woman, one of the things we often hear is that we will not be complete until we are married. We are often made to feel that our wholeness is dependent on a spouse. Which means we are basically walking, talking, breathing halves and need another walking, talking breathing half of the opposite sex to complete us.
The truth is that as human beings, there will always be that part of us that will hunger for something more. We may feel an emptiness in the deepest part of our hearts and want to fill it at all costs. For some people, they sought relationships, took up hobbies and harmful habits but yet the emptiness persisted.
The good news is that there is only one person that can complete us and make us whole.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
John 10: 10 (NIV)
When you’re lonely
Going through life as a single woman can be lonely. It can be even more difficult when we see pictures of happy couples and cute kids and are constantly reminded of what we’re missing. In our vulnerability, we may wish more than anything to have that, to have someone to call our own.
But do you know what? Research has shown that loneliness is not the exclusive preserve of single people. Loneliness is a human emotion that is felt even where a person is always in the company of others, including people in marriages.
We all want someone who we are comfortable with, someone who understands us and is not trying to judge us but to build us up. Our friends and family can help out here but there is someone who can do so much more for us.
With him, we will never be alone whether we remain single or are married. He covers us, protects us and is an everlasting friend, lover, father and confidant.
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20
When you need to let go of the hurt, the pain and regrets
Is there something holding you down? Maybe mistakes from your past or lingering unforgiveness. God says we should come to him, he will give us rest for our souls and more than that, the Psalmist records that:
“He lifted me out of the ditch, pulled me from deep mud. He stood me up on a solid rock to make sure I wouldn’t slip.”
Psalm 40:2 (MSG)
No matter what happened in the past, the things you regret and wish you hadn’t done. God wants you to never doubt his love for you and the salvation which is his free gift.
We are all daughters of the Most-High. Let us live it, knowing that he will complete his work in us.
When you need to focus on what really matters
If I asked you to name one thing you want above anything else in this world, would it be to get married? I certainly hope not! There is more to life and as Christians, the most important thing we should want at every point is to make heaven. Every other thing is secondary.
I recently read about John Fischer of Purposeful Singleness’ comments about marriage, he mentions that “if we are pursuing marriage we are pursuing the wrong thing because love then becomes subservient to marriage.” “Marriage is not an end in itself…it is the servant of love.”
The best part is that our Saviour has told us to:
“seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:33
We all need to seek this one thing and everything else that we “need” will be added to us.
How wonderful!
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When you need to remember your worth
Do you ever wonder who you are and what you’re worth? I was discussing with a relative recently about a 35-year-old lady that died.
She had been involved in a car accident and died shortly after. My relative informs me that the young lady had been buried very quickly (in less than a week) and she said this only happens for unmarried people who don’t have children, as no one owns them. You probably have a shocked expression.
Basically, where a young and unmarried woman dies, she is expected to be buried quickly because of her status.
This is one of many practices that make people avoid singleness by all means. In this case, if no one wants you, it must mean you’re worth nothing.
Well, that is certainly not the case. We were made in the image and likeness of our heavenly father and he wants you to know that you matter to him. He needs us to know our worth. The Psalmist reminds us of what we mean to God:
“for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:14
My dear sister, the devil is always looking for opportunities to lie to us and tell us we don’t matter, that we are worthless.
This is not true. Christ paid the ultimate price for every one of us. We are and will always be daughters of the Most-High.
Living purposefully knowing your identity in Christ
You are a woman of strength and courage and don’t you ever forget it. Always remember that you are whole in Christ and you matter to him whether single or married.
I will leave you with this amazing scripture of God’s love for us:
“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39
Did you find these verses helpful? Great! I’ve created a free printable of the verses, you can download from this page.
Do you have other verses you use at different seasons of life? Please share
Weldone Chioma! Very encouraging indeed.
This is just to add to the scriptures above, to encourage our single ladies.
Jeremiah 32:27
Proverbs 23:18
Isaiah 34:16
Thank you so much, Chioma. Really encouraging scriptures. There are so many scriptural gems hidden in the Bible. Wasn’t familiar with a few of these but happy to learn. I love Jeremiah 32:27. Nothing is too hard for our God. Thanks again for sharing.
I’m married with children, but I still enjoyed your article. Those verses can be applied through all walks of life. Stay encouraged through your single years. Just remember that there are days with a husband and kids that I long for my single days, if only for a while 🙂 Enjoy this time, as God has meant it for you to grow! God Bless!
Hi Kim, thanks for your encouraging words. We plan to make the most of every day the Lord has given us.
I agree with Kim – these are all great verses for all of us to remember. Thanks for sharing – not only the verses but a bit of your heart as well.
And then there’s Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me”….
Have you ever been a Guest Speaker? I would love to have you at our Women’s Conference Retreat next year 2018 in September!!!
Hello Lady Tolbert, thanks for your kind invitation. Please, could you send me an email with more information. Thank you.